Communications Name: Institution: URL is an acronym for uniform resource locator, which acts as an address to the content or resources on the internet. As such, they are used to access html pages on the internet. Without the url, it is impossible to locate any resources on the internet. It would be like looking for a place on the world map without a street address or actual location; only this time there may be a million places with the same name. There are various specific parts of the URL that make it unique to the address of the content. is a good example of a URL. The http represents the protocol identifier. This means that, it is part of the url that points to the protocol used in searching the internet for the resource or the page on the web. It is an acronym for hypertext transfer protocol and is used in serving up hypertext documents from the web. There are types of protocols such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol), News, File and Gopher among others. The www is called a sub domain, which is part of the larger domain. The major part of the domain in this url is www.the The firm represents the domain segment, while .com represents the top level domain. On the other hand, The Company forms the file directory/sitemap or the f