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[Solved] Why People Become Christian, A theological perspective

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[Solved] Why People Become Christian, A theological perspective

In this paper, you are required to present your understanding of why people become Christian from a theological perspective. You are supposed to illustrate your own understanding of theological perspective. You can also use Bible references in your report.

Becoming a Christian from a theological perspective comes from an intrinsic decision. It is something that develops from someone’s heart and the urge drives them to becoming Christians. People who become Christians through this way have got a great hunger for Christ. Basically, the first step to become a Christian is to believe in God and denouncing Satan. Christians hold a view that God saved the mankind from the power of Satan (Mittelberg, Mark, Lee and  Hybels 42) Christians also hold a belief that Satan holds human beings through his powers of darkness which includes death, committing crimes and fear among others. When people become Christians, they adopt to the view that the death of Jesus Christ sanctified humanity from Satan. The crusification and death of Jesus on the cross was the ultimate price for deliverance of humanity from Satan. People who deeply believe in this fact easily convert to Christianity.

Similarly, acknowledging and accepting God’s love is another factor that leads people to convert to Christianity. Most Christians holds the view that subscribing to Christianity relieves one the burdens of sins, shame and guilt among other burdens. Christians also believe that sins results to death and therefore they have to abide to Christian way of life to evade sins (Mittelberg, Mark, Lee and  Hybels 76). People also subscribe to Christianity as a result of believing in the sanctifying powers of Christ as expressed in the Bible. This is through believing in the present, past and the future of sanctification. Sanctification is past because it is deemed to have commenced during the works of Jesus Christ and is exemplified by the roles he played. The present culmination of sanctity is brought out through living a holy life. Additionally, sanctification in respect to the future signifies that Christ will come back to denounce all evils of the world. People yearning for Christianity have to adapt to the Bible teachings on sanctity (Van Dam 17).

According to John Wesley the founder of the Methodist church, perfect love of God and desire for holiness are the main factors that lead people to becoming Christians (Van Dam 11). He further argues that the Bible holds all information that a person would require to become a Christian. Wesley proposes that the arrangement of God’s salvation as explained in the Bible increases the urge of people to become Christians. Van Dam (14) argues that people who accept Christianity view God’s words as authoritative. To fully accept Christianity, a person is expected to acknowledge God’s existence and act honestly in regard to His will. Christianity involves subscribing to a religion that implies the destruction of all works of Satan. Denouncing Satan and seeking a holy life free from evil is also believed to be a recipe for Christianity. Simply adopting Christian way of life does not automatically exemplify a person from committing sins. Regardless of this fact, people adopt Christianity because of the belief that their daily transgressions will be forgiven.

Another imperative that explains the reason why people convert to a Christian way of life is the belief in baptism. Most people who become Christians hold the view that baptism cleanses the original sin. This is a sin believed to have been committed by the first man and woman on earth. Christians hold that it is only through baptism that one will enter the kingdom of God. Most Christians hope to live happily after eternity in God’s kingdom…


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  • Title: [Solved] Why People Become Christian, A theological perspective
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Assignment Queries
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] Why People Become Christian, A theological perspective [Solved] Why People Become Christian, A theological perspective
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