LEVEL 5 cont…
Graduate Skillsfor Life and Employment
(e.g. research- related skills; written, graphical and oral communication skills;
group working; problem-solving; practical and professional skills)
Little or no evidence of the
required skills in
any of the areas identified for assessment at this level.
Limited evidence of skills in the range
identified for
assessment at this level. Significant weaknesses evident, which suggest that the candidate is not yet on course to gain skills necessary for graduate-level employment.
Research skills:
Some evidence of ability to collect and interpret
appropriate data/ information and undertake research
tasks with limited
external guidance. Can communicatein a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s), but with some weaknesses.
Can work with others as a
member of a group, meeting most obligations to others, modifying responses appropriately.
Can identify key areas of problems
and generally choose appropriate methods for their resolution.
Able to recognise
own strengths and weaknesses
in relation to professional and practical skills, but with limited insight in some areas.
Research skills:
Can undertake research-like tasks, drawing on a range of sources, with limited external guidance.
Can communicate
effectively and confidently in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work
effectively with others as a member of a group, meeting obligations to others, modifying responses appropriately.
Can identify key areas of problems
and choose appropriate methods for their resolution in a considered manner.
Able to evaluate
own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional and practical skills, and to develop own evaluation criteria.
Research skills:
Can successfully complete research- like tasks, drawing on a range of sources, with limited external guidance.
Can communicate
well, confidently and consistently in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work very
effectively and confidently with others as a member of a group, meeting obligations to others, modifying responses appropriately.
Can identify key areas of problems
and choose, with autonomy,
appropriate methods for their resolution in
a considered manner.
Able to take initiative in evaluating own strengths and weaknesses in
relation to professional and practical skills identified by others and develop and effectively apply own evaluation criteria.
Research skills:
Can successfully complete research- like tasks, drawing on a range of sources, with a significant degree of autonomy. Can communicatevery effectively and confidently in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work very effectively and confidently with
others as a member
of a group, showing leadershipskills where appropriate, and meet all obligations to others. Can identify key areas of problemsconfidently and choose, with autonomy and
notable effectiveness, appropriate methods for their resolution in
a considered manner. Able to show insight and autonomy in evaluating own strengths and weaknessesre professional and practical skills, showing excellent judgement.
Research skills:
Evidence of exceptional success in undertaking
a range of research-like tasks with high degree of autonomy for the
level. Can
effectively, with professionalism, in a range of formats, including orally, appropriate to the discipline(s).
Can work exceptionally well
with others as a key
member of a group, showing leadership skills where appropriate, negotiating and meeting all obligations to others.
Can identify key areas of problemsconfidently and
choose, with autonomy and exceptional effectiveness, appropriate methods
for their resolution in a considered manner. Able to show insight and autonomy in evaluating own strengths and weaknesses,showing
outstanding judgement.