Subject Content
Information regarding the subject`s content and textbook reading is outlined above in the Schedule.
Subject Delivery
Class/tutorial times and location
If you are enrolled in an internal offering of this subject, your class times can be found at Timetable @ CSU ( If you are enrolled in the online offering of the subject, this timetable will not apply. Find out how to use Timetable @ CSU via the Student Portal Class Timetable ( page.
Learning, teaching and support strategies
How you are expected to engage with the subject
In this subject we will meet for a 3 hour session where we will discuss that week`s topic. Before you come to class you need to have looked at the online activities in the Interact site and read the text so that you can contribute to the class and derive more meaning from the activities that we will do in class. We will spend class time working through the topic questions, discussing them and preparing responses. In addition we may use video, games and case studies to enhance understanding of certain topic areas.
It is helpful to have a small task to complete early in the session, so that you have a focus in the subject from the very first day. Assessment Item 1 is a quiz for you to prepare based on the early topic readings, so it is important you start early. If you don`t attempt the assessment task, I may contact you by phone or email to have a chat about study and if there are any issue that I can help with. Assessment 2 & 3 are based on a scenario that is given as a case study in Assessment 2. These two assessments cover the topics 1-9 to ensure that you engage with the content of this subject regularly and consistently.
The modules for this subject have been written specifically to guide you through the sections (and questions) of the prescribed textbook relevant to each topic.
You should check the Interact2 Site at least weekly for postings, announcements, lecture information and other resources that will assist your studies or additional information and resources vital to your success in the subject.
Studying at university does not mean studying alone. During class you will have an opportunity to interact with the lecturer as well as your peers.
Use the subject schedule to plan your studies over the session.
You can also contact an adviser through Student Central on the following number: 1800 275 278 (or +61 2 6933 7507 from outside Australia).
Library Services
The CSU Library website provides access to online material and print, using Primo Search to find online journal articles, eBooks, hardcopy books from CSU Library (see Library Manager for Interlibrary Loan Requests), company & government reports, eJournals, dissertations, theses, newspapers including Business & Financial newspapers in Factiva (See Business & IT Journal Databases), and other reference resources (eg. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian standards, online encyclopaedias & dictionaries to be read on the computer). You will also find library guides, Subject Reserve for any readings eg. ITC100, ACC100, etc., and online assistance to help you use the Library`s resources such as Ask a Librarian – Live Chat and Ask a Librarian - Web Form.
The SGA library online catalogue allows students to Sign In, My Account shows student’s current library record including all books on loan, Renew your borrowed books online before the due date,
also Search and Request all books in the SGA library, even if unavailable due to high demand from students. Students can Request books when all books are on loan to other students. When the requested book is returned to the SGA library, the student who requested the book receives an email immediately to pick up the book from the SGA library. View your library record online 24/7 at the above web link for SGA library.
And also CSU Library online:
- CSU Library Services including Primo Search & Subject Reserve online with 24/7 access, online and video tutorials in research skills, finding journal articles for assignments, topic analysis, download Endnote referencing program and many other online library services to help you successfully complete your assignments for all CSU courses.
Powerful search engine from National Library of Australia to access many different online resources on any subject from one search.
Contact Details for renewing loans, locating books and other information:
Library Help
contacts Friendly and quick assistance is available. Ask for help finding information and navigating the library`s extensive eResources.
Online Tutorials
Learn how to:
•use Primo Search to find eReserve material and journal articles
•search journal databases and web resources for information for your assessments
•identify appropriate sources of information and peer reviewed material, and evaluate resources.
Bookmark your Subject Library Resource Guide
Subject Library Guides are a great way to get started with research. Each online guide is tailored to a specific area of study, including Accounting, Business & Information Technology outlining how to research in your area and where to look for information.
Academic Learning Support Assistance
Visit the learning support website for advice about assignment preparation, academic reading and note-taking, referencing, and preparing for exams at:
Queries regarding the content of this subject should be directed to your subject lecturer.
Residential school
You are not required to attend a residential school for this subject.
Your workload in this subject
This subject code is an 8 point subject. The CSU Subject Policy states that a standard 8 point subject should require you to spend up to 160 hours engaged in the learning and teaching activities. These activities include the time spent in preparation for assessment, including study for examinations, tests, and assignment preparation.
The following is a recommended breakdown of the hours allocated for successful completion of this:
Weekly class 3 hours
Weekly supporting readings 2 hours
Preparation of answers to topic review questions 2 hours Preparation of assessment items 2 hours
Meeting with team members at key points throughout the Session (minimum three meetings x 1 hour each)