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[Solved] The Child The Family Intervention Focus Disability Intervention

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[Solved] The Child The Family Intervention Focus Disability Intervention

After researching a specific disability, you will create an intervention plan for a hypothetical child. It is recommended that you use a case study in the textbookas a starting point. Select a disability which interests you or with which youfeel called to work. Use the textbook and peer-reviewed research to address thefollowing areas in relation to the disability: etiology, prevalence,characteristics, prognosis, and social dynamics. Discuss the child and familycharacteristics (e.g., risk and protective factors); the specific disabilitychosen; research on recommended intervention approaches; and how you will workwith the family to set, measure, and assess goals at the child and familylevel. Include the primary concerns to be addressed, justifying your choiceswith research. Set goals for the child, being sure to review the formatrequirements detailed in the document “Article: IEP Helpful Hints.” Include aconclusion and future recommendations. See rubric below for greater detail onrequired elements. Includea title page, an abstract page, at least 15 full pages of content (this doesNOT include title, abstract and references) , and a reference page. The completedproject must be 18–20 pages. Additional creative graphics or tables that youfind helpful may also be included (in addition to the 15 pages). Thisassignment must be in current APA format and must have a minimum of 5 current(2010–present publication dates), peer-reviewed/scholarly resources. 

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  • Title: [Solved] The Child The Family Intervention Focus Disability Intervention
  • Price: £ 99
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Assignment
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] The Child The Family Intervention Focus Disability Intervention [Solved] The Child The Family Intervention Focus Disability Intervention
Reviews: 5

A masterpiece of assignment by , written on 2020-03-12

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Reviews: 5

A masterpiece of assignment by , written on 2020-03-12

Very professional and effective assignment writing service.