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[Solved] Explain Guest’s Model Human Resource Model

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[Solved] Explain Guest’s Model Human Resource Model

In this paper, you are supposed to explain Guest’s model of Human Resource Management and ways of developing flexibility within the workplace. Moreover, you are asked to explain the impression of equal chances in the workplace. Finally, evaluate the methods to the practice of handling employee welfare in a selected organization and assess the influence of one topical argument on human resources practices in your report. The report must be clear and readable. Use Harvard referencing in your report for the authentication.



 Learning Outcomes Text Evaluation Criteria for Pass

LO1 Note the various aspects of human resource management

The distinctive viewpoints of human resource management (HRM): ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ human resource management, ‘loose’ and ‘tight’ human resource management; models of Guest and Storey contrasts between HRM and IR and personnel exercises; vital plans to HRM.

1.1 explain Guest’s model of Human Resource Management.

1.2 match the variances between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices

1.3 judge the indications for line managers and employees of generating a strategic program to HRM

LO2 Explain ways of developing flexibility within the workplace

Adjustable working models: the core and periphery workforce model (Atkinson 1984); Handy’s (1989) Shamrock


Kinds of flexibility: eg numerical, functional, temporal, locational, financial

Adjustable working ways: eg employment of part-time and interim staff, teleworking, home working, job sharing, zero hours contracts, annual hours, staggered hours, compressed hours

Labor market and the demand for flexibility: labor market demographics, employment statistics, local, regional and national labor markets and the growing recognition of the significance of work-life equilibrium.

2.1 define how a model of flexibility might be implemented in method

2.2 examine the kinds of flexibility which may be formed by an organization

2.3 evaluate the use of adjustable working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective

2.4 discuss the meaning that advances in the labor market have had on adjustable working practices

LO3 Explain the impression of equal chances in the workplace

Difference in work: types of difference, eg sexuality, ethnicity, creed, handicap, age, sexual adjustment, knowledge

The legislative framework: direct and indirect discrimination; modern legislation and proposed modifications to the law eg age

Balance chance in employment: Balance chances practices and initiatives in the workplace containing actions such as Opportunity 2000 and positive action proposes, codes of practice, implementing policy, training within the law and monitoring; the move from balance chances to handling diversity

3.1 define the forms of difference that can take place in the workplace

3.2 explain the practical assumptions of equal chances legislation for an organization

3.2 match the advances to handling equal chances and managing diversity

LO4 Know approaches to human resources practices in organizations

Performance management: the role, suggest and kinds of appraisal, 360 degree reviews, the skills of having out appraisals and giving review, the link of examinations to reward management

Counseling and employee welfare: the traditional welfare feature– occupational health methods and policies, the management of noxious health at work, costs and absenteeism, setbacks at work (statistics), ergonomics, alcohol and drug abuse, HIV and AIDS, stress and stress management, workplace counseling

Health and safety legislation: Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and the role of the Health and Safety Commission, European Community Directives eg Working Time Regulations (1998), Parental Leave (2009

Other topical problems: e-recruitment, e-learning, flexible benefits, work-life balance, employee voice, changes to pension schemes
4.1 match various methods of display management

4.2 evaluate the methods to the practice of handling employee welfare in a selected organization
4.3 examine the connections of health and safety legislation on human resources practices

4.4 assess the influence of one topical argument on human resources practices




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  • Title: [Solved] Explain Guest’s Model Human Resource Model
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[Solved] Explain Guest’s Model Human Resource Model [Solved] Explain Guest’s Model Human Resource Model
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