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[Solved] why the problems occurred?

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[Solved] why the problems occurred?

Performance and improvement Systems Singapore Airlines

Main Topic is on Quality Work Life Program, assuming you are the 3rd party (Consultant) 1. Content Page 2. Select an organisation in Singapore which have a few issues. 3. Brief background of the organisation inclusive population of the company, type of business (one third of page) 3. State Quality Work Life Policies of the organization 4. State current 5 problems/issues/practice/system faced (can indicate 5 problems & focus on 1-3, if one is heavy then just focus on one). 5. Analyse why the problems occurred? 6. Suggest Improvements/Recommendations 7. Analyse your suggestions; critical analysis of suggestions whether it will work out. 8. Conclusion (one third of page) 9. Referencing 10. Diagram allowed 11.Plagiarism not more than 10%
Performance and improvement Systems Singapore Airlines(Name)(Institution)(Course)(Tutor)(Date) Table of Content Content PageBackground of the Singapore Airlines Limited…………………………………………………...3Work Life Policies in Singapore Airlines…………………………………………………………3Problematic Issues in SIA and why they occurred………………………………………………..4Improvements and recommendations……………………………………………………………..6Analysis of the Suggestions……………………………………………………………………….7 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...7 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………………8 Singapore AirlinesBackground informationSingapore Airlines Limited (SIA) is an international airline in Singapore and the major airline in the Pacific region. The airline`s history can be traced back in 1947 from the Malayan Airways Limited (MAL) which was later split in 1972 to SIA and the Malaysian Airline System. The airline is known for its continued efforts to upgrade its technology and customer services. It has been the world`s most profitable and persistent airline with over 90 destinations in 40 countries. The company has over 21000 employees to guarantee excellent customer services both on crew and office staffs (Lucas 2003, P.49).Work life policies in SIAThe airline is believed to have the best and efficient working population in the whole of the Asian region. When it comes to work, the strategies are balancing the desires of the airline and ensure full participation in the market. All the employees are obligated to balance their work life with their personal responsibilities. The employees are aware of the market irregularities and therefore flexible in switching to different jobs in the company (Doganis 2001, P.119). With more than 28000 employees situated in different countries, the workers have clear communication lines in order to be able to learn the different cultures and be consistent. Regular dialogue within the airline helps the workers to be organized and cooperate. For delivering of quality service, the workers also involve themselves in external communications and connections with their customer in order to know their demands. For example in 1998, the airline conducted a survey of over 4000 customers to find out their preferences (Doganis 2001, P.120).Customer service is the core function of the business. The workers are committed to fulfill the mission of the airline in providing quality customer service and fundamental objectives to reach the goals of the company. In order to accomplish this, the workers are taken through a extensive training program before they get enrolled to their specific duties...

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  • Title: [Solved] why the problems occurred?
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
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[Solved] why the problems occurred? [Solved] why the problems occurred?
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