Museum Art Report
Finance 437 Advanced Topics in Insurance Fall 2013
Final Paper Assignment (20% of Final Grade)
Complete One Question. HARD Limit of Four Double Spaced Pages + Source Page(s)
Note that four pages is relatively short so you should answer efficiently and not simply include less information. Use research, lectures from Farmers professionals, your book and other info to support your answer.
1) Consider a business strategy for the perfect P&C personal lines company. What do you think a company needs to succeed in 2013 and beyond? Perhaps pointing to something you like or don’t like about a particular company might be helpful. This is not about your preferences—this about accomplishing goals.
2) Consider all of the risks and external forces acting on a P&C insurer’s financial management and the tools to manage those risks and forces. List five of the most important risks and/or forces (there are no exact five, but regulators would certainly be one) and explain how each one would affect the financial management of the company.
3) Think about how an insurance company chooses its risks (both assets and liabilities). Explain the underwriting process and how insurers and banks operate in similar ways in taking risks in search of profit. This is not an easy question to answer completely in four pages so be careful.
No more than 4 pages.
Running head: Analysis of a museumStudent’s nameInstitutionTutor:Date of submissionQuestion OneTITLE:Nydia, the blind girl of PompeiiThis is a portrait of a lady who is blind clinching on a stick and the head cupped.Question TwoARTIST:Randolph RogersAn American sculptor who trained under Lorenzo BartoliniQuestion ThreeSTYLE:Marble sculpture curvingThe style depicts a historical theme.Question FourDATE:The year 1860Question FiveNATIONALITY:North American, America.Question sixCOLOUR:The sculpture is white marble. It has contrasting lighter and darker hues with natural shadowing. The shadows even make the subject appear to have eyelashes.Question sevenCOMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS:The sculpture is anatomically correct. It is standing vertically.Question EightTYPE AND OBJECTIVE:The sculpture is objective as it depicts some historical themes.Question NinePROBABLE PATRON:No intended patron but rather artist gained inspiration from literature.Question TenMEDIUM:The sculpture is cast from marble.It is then engraved to bring out the hair and the clothing of the blind lady depicted in the portrait.Question ElevenSIZE:The statue stands approximately 139.7 cm tall. When standing on the museum pedestal the sculpture is on sight with he viewer.The lighting shadows the right areas to be viewed properly at an eye level.Question TwelveBRUSH TROKES/ MEDIUM HANDLING:The marble is very smooth and flat on handling.After the smoothening and flattening it is then oiled to make it shiny.