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[Solved] What are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters?

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[Solved] What are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters?

International business: The challenge of global competition

Put your answer to the question assigned to you below in the Discussion Conference in the Discussion section of the course. When answering the question, state the question number and the page number of the question you are answering. Answer the question, add additional information about the subject, and provide example(s) to get 5 points. Read the example answers in Announcements on our course page. Properly cite your sources. Note: Do NOT cite Wikipedia. (#1, pg 490) What are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters? For each, explain to what point the seller must pay transportation and delivery costs. Where does the responsibility for lost or damage pass to the buyer? Book- International Business-The challenge of global competition, 12th ed. Donald Ball, Michael Geringer Please follow the directions persicely as described as for the teacher is very particular to the assignment. Thank you!!
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESSName:Grade Course:Tutor`s Name: (16th, July, 2011) International BusinessWhat are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters? For each, explain to what point the seller must pay transportation and delivery costs. Where the responsibility for does lost or damage pass to the buyer?The common quotes of sales that are quoted by exporters are widely used in the export business. The terms are provided by service providers and are essential in designing the pricing worksheet and performing an effective cost analysis ( HYPERLINK "http://www.google.co.ke/search?tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22DIANE+Publishing+Company%22&source=gbs_metadata_r&cad=7" Diane Publishing Company (1994)). Commonly used terms include:- Cost, Ins, freight: The seller quotes a price for the goods, all transportation and mislleneous charg...

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  • Title: [Solved] What are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters?
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] What are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters? [Solved] What are the common terms of sale quoted by exporters?
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