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[Solved] Using RFID to update the location

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[Solved] Using RFID to update the location

Using RFID to update the location


Hi I want you please just write the introduction , abstract and conclusion for me in 3 pages bucause I will do the rest. my project is : I am using Arduino UNO kit board with ID-12 innovation which is RFID reader to read the tags. and then I am including ros_lib to Arduino libraries to communicate with ROS. ROS will get the tag information and update the location. the robot dose not know where the tags are located I am using visual odpmetry to locate the tags all the tags are paint with red colour I will include how I get the location of the tags in the attachment. please don`t include any picture or graph. http://www.ros.org/wiki/ http://www.ros.org/wiki/rosserial?distro=fuerte http://arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardUno https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/ID-12-Datasheet.pdf UPDATE!:: Hi I changed the kit board from UNO to MEGA ADK. I added some files You did not answer my question how could I order 3 more pages for my this order and I want this pages to be about background section. Last thing please make it 1 page for the introduction and abstract ,1 page and a half for background and half page for conclusion. thank you


Using RFID to Update the LocationName of studentName if instructorInstitutionCourseDate dueAbstractThe purpose of this project is to locate the position of a known object using the Visual Odometry (VO) technology. Some of the items used in this project are the red Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags .The product (a robot) is to pass within the proximity of the tags. As the robot passes, it detects the tags and with the combination of visual odometry information, measurements are made. The RFID application has two parts namely the antennae and the integrated circuit system. For the integrated circuit, a MEGA ADK kit board is used. After powering the integrated circuit, it is used with the microcontroller. The integrated circuit is used to manipulate information and operate the radio frequency (RF) signal. The MEGA ADK kit board is used together with the id-12 innovation reader which remotely reads and wrote to the tags. This communication is achieved through the ros_lib to Arduino libraries thus enabling the location of the robotic operating system (ROS) to be identified. 

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  • Title: [Solved] Using RFID to update the location
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] Using RFID to update the location [Solved] Using RFID to update the location
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