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Use the segmentation analysis output(s) to determine if the import beer market can be segmented in a useful way. Describe the segm

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Use the segmentation analysis output(s) to determine if the import beer market can be segmented in a useful way. Describe the segments that emerge from this analysis. Are any segments appropriate for Kirin to target? Critically discuss.

1. Use the case scenario as well as the perceptual map to discuss Kirin’s situation and the marketing challenge(s) it faces. Use the perceptual map to analyse the positioning strategies of the different brands, and therefore, the competitive relationships.


2. Use the segmentation analysis output(s) to determine if the import beer market can be segmented in a useful way. Describe the segments that emerge from this analysis. Are any segments appropriate for Kirin to target? Critically discuss.

3. Using the conjoint analysis outputs try to identify a product you think will perform relatively better in this scenario. Discuss the product designs considered and outline the process you followed to identify your chosen product. Discuss whether this product should be marketed as a new brand or a brand extension.

4. Based on the case, your overall analysis and findings, what would your overall recommendation(s) be to Kirin’s management and why? In your discussion also address the question of whether it is worth to make use of a customer loyalty program to increase the customer base as well as customer lifetime value. Regarding the most important segment(s) you think they should target: Which types of communication media (i.e, digital media, broadcast media, in-store media and print media) will be more important and suitable for targeting the individuals in this/these segment(s) and why?

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  • Title: Use the segmentation analysis output(s) to determine if the import beer market can be segmented in a useful way. Describe the segments that emerge from this analysis. Are any segments appropriate for Kirin to target? Critically discuss.
  • Price: £ 79
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Assignment
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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Use the segmentation analysis output(s) to determine if the import beer market can be segmented in a useful way. Describe the segments that emerge from this analysis. Are any segments appropriate for Kirin to target? Critically discuss. Use the segmentation analysis output(s) to determine if the import beer market can be segmented in a useful way. Describe the segments that emerge from this analysis. Are any segments appropriate for Kirin to target? Critically discuss.
Reviews: 5

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