Comprehension and analysis:
Needs Assessment clearly identifies the main training and/or development need.
Recommendations are made to address the identified need.
50 marks
Clear and logical
application of
Needs Assessment; performance gaps clearly identified and thoroughly discussed with descriptions complete and focussed; choice of needs
Assessment method(s) is well justified with relevant quality academic literature.
There is strong evidence of critical thinking when evaluating and reflecting on the needs assessment process and possible problems
Recommendations are provided to address the identified need – these are discussed providing clear, convincing and succinct rationale which draws on relevant literature to justify choices.
Clear and logical
application of Needs Assessment; performance gaps clearly identified and discussed, with description complete and focussed; choice of
needs assessment method(s) is largely well justified with relevant academic literature.
There is strong evidence of critical thinking when evaluating and reflecting on the needs assessment process and possible problems.
Recommendations are provided to address the identified need – these are discussed providing clear and convincing rationale which draws on relevant literature to justify choices.
Clear and logical
application of Needs Assessment; performance gaps identified and discussed with description complete; choice of
needs assessment method(s) is justified with some examples of academic literature.
Evidence of critical thinking when evaluating and reflecting on the needs assessment process and possible problems.
Recommendations are provided to address the identified need – these are discussed clearly and draw upon some literature to justify choices.
Adequate application of
Needs Assessment; lacks some detail in identifying
performance gaps; choice of needs assessment method(s) is discussed with some relevant academic literature.
Some evidence of critical thought when evaluating and reflecting on the needs assessment process and possible problems, but tends to be mostly descriptive.
Recommendations are provided to address the identified need – discussion of which is at times unclear. Draw on literature, some of which are not credible or relevant.
Does not clearly apply the
Needs Assessment;
provides an unsatisfactory identification of performance gaps; a
weak and descriptive
justification of choice of needs assessment method(s) is discussed with minimal reference to academic literature.
Little evidence of critical thinking when evaluating and reflecting on the needs assessment process and possible problems.
Recommendations are not offered or the ones provided do not address the identified need; discussion of recommendations is unclear and do not link to credible or relevant literature.
Evidence Base:
Relevant academic literature is used to support discussion.
40 marks
An extensive range of relevant literature from academic sources has been synthesised, substantially supporting discussions.
An extensive range of relevant literature from academic sources has been evaluated in supporting discussions.
Sound base of evidence including relevant academic resources provided throughout to support the discussions.
Adequate base of evidence
from relevant academic resources provided to support discussions, with some minor errors in quality and/or range of evidence
Little or no attempt to include evidence from relevant academic resource to support discussions.
Conforms to academic writing conventions of Needs assessment (requirements as outlined in subject outline, and demonstrated in text book)
Utilises APA 6 referencing conventions
10 marks
The content has been logically and succinctly structured to create a cohesive, coherent and complete Needs Assessment . Formal academic language and precise and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning. There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions.
Shows superior understanding of the use of APA 6 referencing conventions.
The content has been logically structured to create a coherent and complete Needs Assessment.
Formal academic language and correct discipline and professional terminology has been used to clearly communicate meaning. There is consistent adherence to grammatical conventions.
Shows a high level understanding of the use of APA 6 referencing conventions.
The content has been logically structured to create a complete Needs Assessment. Formal academic language has been used to clearly communicate meaning. There is mostly consistent adherence to grammatical conventions. Although some minor errors remain.
Shows a complete and adequate use of APA 6 referencing conventions.
An attempt has been made to structure content logically in a suitable Needs Assessment format; although at times it is descriptive and lacks some coherency.
An attempt to use mostly formal academic language has been used to communicate meaning.
Grammatical conventions have been adhered to, although there are minor errors.
Shows a somewhat appropriate use of APA 6 referencing conventions; and/or displays some minor errors in referencing.
The content has been lacks the structure required to create a suitable Needs assessment and/or is predominately descriptive.
Formal and informal language has been used to communicate meaning and, in many areas, the meaning is unclear.
The work includes multiple grammatical errors.
Shows a limited understanding of the use of APA 6 referencing conventions and/or includes multiple errors.