Book review Student: Professor: Course title: Date: Simons, Anna., McGraw Joe and Duane Lauchengco. The sovereignty solution: A common sense approach to global security. Naval Institute Press. 2011. Introduction The book that is reviewed is The Sovereignty Solution by Simons, McGraw and Lauchengco. This book presents to the readers a radical approach to strategy – a persuasive, credible and clear argument suggesting a fundamental and major shift in the way Americans define their country’s grand strategy. The authors recognize that although their thoughts and proposals are not the really ultimate solution, they may at least rouse some much needed debate pertaining to the issue. All through the text, the authors firmly build their case for the radical shift in strategy in a terse and understandable fashion. Thesis statement: in the book The Sovereignty Solution by Simons, McGraw and Lauchengco, the main theme is that American people need to identify what really makes them American, and as Americans, they also need to recognize their strengths and espouse them. The authors give emphasis to the need for America to take on a new policy when dealing with other countries: respect the sovereignty of the United States and the United States will respect yours. Summary The first chapter assesses the current situation; it particularly contrasts the strategy used in the 20th century with events in the 21st century.