The Human Condition Name: Institution: Introduction Written by one of the world renowned social theorists and philosopher, Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition was first published in the year 1958 with the second edition coming much later in the year 1998. She also has some two other pieces that are regarded highly in the literary world namely The Origin of Totalitarianism, which delves into the aspects of the terrors of the Nazis and Stalinism. The other piece is called On Revolution, which deliberates on political science and history with an isocratic viewpoint. The Human Condition is a book that has some very striking and insightful views, some of which are at home now than it were when the book was published in the 50s. Drawing on the knowledge of the political systems and critical reading of the works that relate to Marxism and Kant, she published on of the most authentic works, revealing the human conditions in their social settings. The book brings out the human condition related to the quest for humans to seek immortality through their actions (, 2012). Ideally the intrinsic human behavior forces humans to try and take actions that will ensure they are remembered even after they are dead (d`Entreves, 2006). As such the book gives the full meaning of the political systems ad their actions based on the human nature. Hannah Arendt Born in the year 1906, Hannah Arendt, was one of the most influential social theorists and political philosophers.