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[Solved] The CliptomaniaTM Web Store

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[Solved] The CliptomaniaTM Web Store

The CliptomaniaTM Web Store


Unit IV Case Study Analyze Case Study II-5: “The CliptomaniaTM Web Store” (on pp. 308-320 in the textbook).  Discuss the strategic issues faced by the company in launching and developing their e-business venture. Provide your recommendations and analysis. Summarize your findings in a two page paper using proper APA formatting. Course Textbook Brown, C. V., DeHayes, D. W., Hoffer, J. A., Martin, E. W., & Perkins, W. C. (2012). Managing information technology (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


The Cliptomania StoreNameUniversityDate The CliptomaniaTM Web StoreThe store is a family owned web store that deals with the sale of clip-on earrings through the internet. Most of the people who use earrings have pierced ears, but there is a section of the public that desires the use of earrings though they do not have pierced ears to many parts of the Western World. Those who need clip-ons for their ears often fall short of their classic choice in most of the stores available to them and that is when Cliptomania comes in to play. The store has different colors and styles to choose from and this is what inspired Cliptomania to establish a web store that can be accessed by all the customers who have the desire to order for the services offered in the store. Despite the fact that the store may be small in size.

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  • Title: [Solved] The CliptomaniaTM Web Store
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] The CliptomaniaTM Web Store [Solved] The CliptomaniaTM Web Store
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