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Strategic management and Leadership Assignment

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Strategic management and Leadership Assignment

Strategic management and Leadership






 ASSIGNMENT BRIEF: For you chosen company, explain how successful you think it is and discuss the strategic reasons behind that success. Your explanation should include something about the contribution of leadership to the company. Go on to suggest strategies and/or actions for ensuring success in the future. 


1)      Introduction:

  •  Keep to the 100 word limit
  • Identify the company, where it is based and its main markets.
  • Do not cut and paste company information into this section.
  • Nocitations
  • Indicate what is in your report (tell the reader).
  1. Activity ( field)
  2. Date of Foundation
  3. Based in…
  4. Head office in…
  5. Operates in…
  6. Leaders in…

2)      Measures of Company success – introduction to Chapter in order to determine the success of the company, you need to compare financial performance along non-financial performance Comprehensive range of financial and non-financial metrics for company with source citations. Some "benchmarking" against competitors. Understands academic concern that "business success" can mean different things to different stakeholders.

  • How can we evaluate the success (or otherwise) of a company in a particular sector?
  • How would different stakeholders (or individuals) judge success?
  • Look at different types of measure
    – financial, non-financial, benchmarking
  • Look at trends over time – at least 5 years
  • Cite all sources of data and explain their relevance


  1. Financial factors:
    1. Introduction
    2. Revenue ( Bloomberg ,5 years); gross profit; cash flow; share price
    3. Market capitalization
    4. Sales volume
    5.  Non-financial factors:
      1. Strategy orientation
      2. Management specific
      3. Standards of product quality
      4. Corporate social responsibilities
      5. Consumer-based measures
      6. Brand awareness
      7. Brand image
      8. Employee’s satisfaction
    6. The end of the Chapter: Successful in spite of...

3)      Reasons for companies success

  • An outline of 6 to10 business reasons behind the company’s success.
  • These are the common opinions given by authoritative sources and industry experts (you must cite them).
  • No analysis is required – this is a test of your broad business knowledge and understanding.
  • State each reason under a sub-heading in a simple, straightforward way with a brief (no more than five sentences) explanation of each reason.
  • Avoid technical terms and “jargon”.


4)      Analysis and Interpretation of capabilities

  • A detailed analysis of the company’s strategic capabilities starting with the Value Chain followed by a VRIN evaluation.
  • An Adapted Value Chain (AVC) of the major activities in the firm, with a brief commentary on non-obvious features.
  • A VRIN Summary Table (with SCA conclusions), and a short commentary on the Capabilities, Competences or Resources tested.
  • Describe where the CAs and SCAs reside in the AVC.
  • Show how the company has developed and maintained its strategic Capabilities to support its competitive advantage.
  • Show how the synthesized AVC plus VRIN can be used to draw strategic conclusions about the company.

5)      Analysis of Companies leadership

  • You must have analysis based on appropriate taught theories
  • Focus on no more than two aspects, such as:
    • – Who were the key leaders at different stages in the company’s development? What was “special” about them? What was their contribution?
    • Type of leadership–e.g. visionary, architectural
    •  Leadership styles?
      • – What about the organisational culture they created? Did this make the organisation distinctive?
      • – What type(s) of decision-making have been used? How effective have these been?
  • Don’t trust the company literature – you will need to do very careful research to gather useful data to analyse



6)      Analysis and Interpretation based on another topic area

  • A detailed analysis and interpretation based on ONE of the four topic areas listed in the guidance ...
  1. –  Business (Competitive) Strategy consistent with strategic capabilities
  2. –  International Strategy (based on the framework in Exploring Strategy)
  3. –  Innovation Strategy (Product, Process, Business Model)
  4. –  Collaboration (Alliances, Joint Ventures, Mergers and Acquisitions)
  • Use the analysis as the basis of conclusions you draw about what has driven the company’s performance.
  • Your answers must clearly show how the company has been able to compete successfully.
  • Consider whether you have found another VRIN candidate?

7)      Strategic Recommendations 

  • An explanation of any external and/or internal factors that might make it difficult for the company to be successful in the future AND
  • Suggestions as to how the company can best deal with these
  • You need to justify your suggestions (i.e. provide a rationale based upon your previous analysis)
    e.g. Use an SCA discovered in VRIN as the rationale why the company can move in the direction you suggest.
  • Consider how your suggestions might be received by stakeholders, e.g. Suitability, Acceptability and Feasibility (SAFe)
  • Refer extensively to your previous analysis (by page number)

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  • Title: Strategic management and Leadership Assignment
  • Price: £ 179
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Research Paper Queries
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