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Tele-health can reduce socioeconomic demands by reducing travelling for face-to-face visits. Technology can be successfully applied in community-based patient care to enhance the capacity of nurses to deliver medications management for clients, resulting in increased efficiency of service delivery as well as staff and patient satisfaction. Tele-health in patients’ homes supplements delivery of care, can reduce unplanned medical visits and improve self-management of an illness. Remote healthcare can supplement the delivery of care, providing support to clients and healthcare staff. For this project we are using the Tunstall tele-health monitoring equipment as an example of the type of equipment that is used. See the series of 2 minute videos on the following site to see what their current technology looks like for tablet interaction with older people: http://www.tunstallhealthcare.com.au/what-we-do/telehealth The aim of the project is to improve the tablet computer interaction for the end-user of tele-health ardware and software in the homes of older people living in the community. We will assume that the community-dwelling older people live in regional, rural and remote locations in the central west of NSW. The solution involves a cloud-based mobile application, although you might also identify other possible delivery methods for the interaction.

You need to create a Project Vision Document which contains:
• Problem
• Capabilities
• Benefits

Specific analysis techniques have not been taught yet, so this assignment does not require technical descriptions.


This assignment and the following two have been designed to allow students to test and demonstrate their topic understanding related to all of the learning outcomes for this subject. It is a single case study that is progressively tested in three related, yet independent, assessment tasks. The particular focus of the first assignment is on the following learning outcomes:
• the context of an information system;
• the processes in systems analysis;
• the approaches in systems analysis

Marking criteria




High Distinction





1. Content of the Vision Document

4 Marks

Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.


Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of many of the deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content.

Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.

Demonstrates thorough understanding of material presented in core texts and readings.

Demonstrates evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. However literature is presented uncritically in a purely descriptive manner.

Content acknowledged but not really taken into account.

Demonstrates very little evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. Inaccurate or inconsistent acknowledgment of sources.

Limited knowledge of key principles and concepts.

2. Clarity of expression and presentation of response

3 Marks

Highly developed skills in expression and presentation of response.

Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task.

Grammar and spelling accurate. Well-organised.

Well-developed skills in expression and presentation of response.

Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task.

Grammar and spelling accurate.

Good skills in expression and clear presentation of response.

Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task.

Grammar and spelling accurate.

Some skills in expression and presentation of response.

Meaning apparent but writing style not always fluent or well organised.

Grammar and spelling contain errors. Significantly exceeded or fell short of the 2-3 page limit.

Rudimentary skills in expression and presentation of response.

Not all material is relevant and/or is presented in a disorganised manner.

Meaning apparent but writing style not fluent or well-organised,

Grammar and spelling contain errors.

Ignored length requirements completely.

3. Referencing and Citation

3 Marks

Referencing is consistently accurate and according to the APA standard. All references are cited in the text.

Referencing is mainly accurate and according to the APA standard. Most of the references are cited in the text.

Some attempt at referencing and according to the APA standard. Few references are cited in the text.

Attempt at referencing but not exactly according to APA standard and only few references are cited in the text.

Referencing is absent/unsystematic.


Your answer should be a report approx. 3 pages, Times Roman size 12 (title page and references are not part of the page count). You should use your own words and avoid lengthy quotations.


For this assessment you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. Please refer to the CSU referencing guide http://student.csu.edu.au/study/referencing-at-csu. In addition a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to correctly use in text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list can be found at https://apps.csu.edu.au/reftool/apa-6


Usage note: There is procedural guidance within this template that appears in a style named InfoBlue. This style has a hidden font attribute allowing you to toggle whether it is visible or hidden in this template. Use the Word menu ToolsOptionsViewHidden Text checkbox to toggle this setting. A similar option exists for printing ToolsOptionsPrint.

1. Introduction
2. Positioning

2.1 Problem Statement

[Provide a statement summarizing the problem being solved by this project. The following format may be used:]

The problem of

[describe the problem]


[the stakeholders affected by the problem]

the impact of which is

[what is the impact of the problem?]

a successful solution would be

[list some key benefits of a successful solution]

2.2 Product Position Statement

[Provide an overall statement summarizing, at the highest level, the unique position the product intends to fill in the marketplace. The following format may be used:]



[target customer]


[statement of the need or opportunity]

The (product name)

 is a [product category]


[statement of key benefit; that is, the compelling reason to buy]


[primary competitive alternative]

Our product

[statement of primary differentiation]

[A product position statement communicates the intent of the application and the importance of the project to all concerned personnel.]

3. Stakeholder Descriptions

3.1 Stakeholder Summary





[Name the stakeholder type.]

[Briefly describe the stakeholder.]

[Summarize the stakeholder’s key responsibilities with regard to the system being developed; that is, their interest as a stakeholder. For example, this stakeholder:

ensures that the system will be maintainable

ensures that there will be a market demand for the product’s features

monitors the project’s progress

approves funding

and so forth]

3.2 User Environment

[Detail the working environment of the target user. Here are some suggestions:

-Number of people involved in completing the task? Is this changing?
-How long is a task cycle? Amount of time spent in each activity? Is this changing?
-Any unique environmental constraints: mobile, outdoors, in-flight, and so on?
-Which system platforms are in use today? Future platforms?
-What other applications are in use? Does your application need to integrate with them?
-This is where extracts from the Business Model could be included to outline the task and roles involved, and so on.]

4. Product Overview

4.1 Product Perspective

[This subsection of the Vision document puts the product in perspective to other related products and the user’s environment. If the product is independent and totally self-contained, state it here. If the product is a component of a larger system, then this subsection needs to relate how these systems interact and needs to identify the relevant interfaces between the systems. One easy way to display the major components of the larger system, interconnections, and external interfaces is with a block diagram.]

4.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

[List each factor that affects the features stated in the Vision document. List assumptions that, if changed, will alter the Vision document. For example, an assumption may state that a specific operating system will be available for the hardware designated for the software product. If the operating system is not available, the Vision document will need to change.]

4.3 Needs and Features

[Avoid design. Keep feature descriptions at a general level. Focus on capabilities needed and why (not how) they should be implemented.]

4.4 Alternatives and Competition

[Identify alternatives the stakeholder perceives as available. These can include buying a competitor’s product, building a homegrown solution, or simply maintaining the status quo. List any known competitive choices that exist or may become available. Include the major strengths and weaknesses of each competitor as perceived by the stakeholder or end user.]

5. Other Product Requirements

[At a high level, list applicable standards, hardware, or platform requirements; performance requirements; and environmental requirements. Define the quality ranges for performance, robustness, fault tolerance, usability, and similar characteristics that are not captured in the Feature Set. Note any design constraints, external constraints, or other dependencies. Define any specific documentation requirements, including user manuals, online help, installation, labeling, and packaging requirements.

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