Running Head: Media ethics Media ethicsCustomer Inserts His/herUniversity nameMedia ethicsThe media`s role in influencing public perception of key issues in the nation keeps growing immensely there is therefore a need for the judiciary and the public in deed to create ways to make sure that such influence is not utilised negatively.Introduction Spin masters for a very long time now have continued to violate media rules with impunity. This has continued to happen especially when politicians want to be portrayed positively to the public. Media ethics is dominated by the journalist ethics because it is the largest field in media. The professionals in the media should seek the truth for the public and report the truth with integrity and in a fair way. They are supposed to operate and act as trustees of the public and they have independence. The media professionals should always be ready to account for their actions in the cause of their work. The research paper gives the details of a case between the Federal Communications Commission and Fox Television Station which was alleged to have used an indecent language in its broadcasts. The paper also gives details of defamation and the importance of free expressions of media. The law of defamation protects organizations and people from being attacked and it also protects their reputation. It hinders the freedom of speech to the media and people who describe other people in a defamatory way. The people who publish malicious comments or who say false things can be sued through the law of defamation. Defamation can be oral and it can also be published. Indecency in broadcasting has been linked to the media and media ethics. As illustrated by Moore and Murray, (2008), there have been criminal penalties on the cable televisions that are connected with media. The provisions regarding the indecent programs are contained in The Cable Television and Consumer Protection and Corporation Act of 1992. In the case of FCC and Fox Television Station, the media is supposed to follow the law and the...