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[Solved]Select a well-known project that fits the above criterion and demonstrate your understanding on how project evaluation met

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[Solved]Select a well-known project that fits the above criterion and demonstrate your understanding on how project evaluation methods and techniques can be applied.

Project Management – Level 5

Academic Year 2015-16, Semester 2



This coursework must be carried out individually, the word limit is 3000 words (±300 words - (references, tables, figures and appendices are not included in the word count) 

Topic: Project evaluation

There are many projects known to the public, which have received attention by the media because of their perceived socioeconomic impact.

Your task is:

Select a well-known project that fits the above criterion and demonstrate your understanding on how project evaluation methods and techniques can be applied.

A. You will need to conduct a literature research and critically analyse the case you have selected in order to detail the project’s evaluation. The expectation is that you will identify and discuss issues that have impacted (positive and negative) the projects’ whole lifecycle.

B. You will need to provide recommendations on how effective project management could have helped to resolve this issues described in your answer.

Please make sure that you make appropriate references to project management literature.

Your detailed essay should include analysis and discussion for the selected project on the following topics and their associated issues:

  • Project Vision/Mission;
  • Project Aims and Objectives;
  • Stakeholder Management;
  • Performance Measurement and Management of Quality;
  • Planning and Scheduling;
  • Constraints and Risks;
  • Resources and Project Budget;
  • Communications;
  • Project handover and future considerations (operations and whole life-cycle)

Below are some examples of projects that you may consider addressing for your assignment:

  • The Millennium Dome;
  • The Channel Tunnel;
  • The UK National ID programme;
  • The NHS National Programme for IT (NPfIT);
  • NHS Integrated Service Improvement Plan (ISIP);
  • Wembley National Stadium;
  • BBC Digital Media initiative (DMI);
  • European Monetary Union;
  • Any major sporting event i.e. London 2012 Olympics;
  • Beagle 2.

Assessment criteria

The maximum word count for the assignment is 3,000 words (+/- 10%).

You will also need to take the following into account when completing your assignment:

  • Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief complete summary of your paper for an executive to read?)
  • Establishment of relevant theory (e.g. what do we mean by Project Evaluation?)
  • Allocation of credit and sources used (have I included references and citations to the material I have used?)
  • Clarity of argument
  • Overall report presentation including spelling and grammar
  • Adherence to nominated word limit
  • Word processed (letter size 12, times new roman, 1.5 space), fully referenced (Harvard Referencing System)

Please remember that marks for assignment will also be awarded in relation to presentation and structure, and aspects such as use of examples, figures, tables, illustrations and statistics that indicate wider/independent reading.

Indicative reading

Please refer to the reading list issued at the start of the module. Further material in the form of articles from refereed journals and web references are available on Blackboard. www.emeraldinsight.com and www.sciencedirect.com are two good starting points for refereed publications.

Assessment housekeeping

You are required to follow the University’s regulations regarding plagiarism and citing sources and references used. Marking penalties for late submission will follow the University regulations for PMC and late submission. 

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  • Title: [Solved]Select a well-known project that fits the above criterion and demonstrate your understanding on how project evaluation methods and techniques can be applied.
  • Price: £ 139
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
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[Solved]Select a well-known project that fits the above criterion and demonstrate your understanding on how project evaluation methods and techniques can be applied. [Solved]Select a well-known project that fits the above criterion and demonstrate your understanding on how project evaluation methods and techniques can be applied.
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