Critical Appraisal: Randomized Clinical Trial of Hydrofiber Dressing with Silver Versus Povidine-Iodine Gauze in the Management of Open Surgical and Traumatic Wounds. Name: Subject: Date of Submission: Introduction According to the Willey Online Library (2014), the international wound journal is among the top 20 journals in dermatology with an impact factor of 2.023. Additionally, the journal ranks 66th out of 202 surgical journals. The journal also scored an A in the Australian Era rankings. This reveals that the international wound journal, published in England, is a high-ranking journal. It is also notable that the researchers are qualified health practitioners. For instance, the lead researcher Jurzak is a surgeon who specializes in thyroid and endocrine surgery, proctology, vein surgery, visceral surgery and digestive surgery. Hence, this publication could be used for evidence-based practice. Background of the Problem Jurczak et al, (2007) developed a background of their study because it enabled the researchers to attack the research problem objectively (Hickson, 2008). This owes to the reality that Gauze dressings are used for open surgical wounds, which are always left to restore by secondary intent. This despises the fact that removal of gauze dressings could tamper with the newly formed epidermis. Thus, the removal could result in tissue injury, pain, and exposure of the wound.