Quantitative vs. Qualitative study of Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections Your Name October 16, 2016 Your Institution of Affiliation Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research Designs In any field of knowledge, the debate between the use of either quantitative or qualitative research design has been an age-old issue. On one hand, the debate argues that in doing research, a more objective, deductive, and concise way of analysis should be employed (Ebling Library, 2016). More specifically, this side argues that this objectivity can only be reached through the use of ‘numerical` data in doing research. On the other hand, the focus is given to the more subjective, inductive, and broad means of data analysis (Ebling Library, 2016). Preference between these two can differ based on the field of knowledge. For the Social Sciences, Liberal Arts, and the Humanities, the qualitative approach is almost always used.