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1.     Vision

  • Wastage of papers will be controlled. This means lesser paperwork would be required to create and store the information as most of the work will be done electronically.
  • Accurate, fast & reliable. This means information created (questions appearing in random order in every paper) will save lot of time and human effort.

2.     Outcomes


  • Confidentiality, Accessibility &Flexibility: - Information/Results gathered will be confidential and will have restricted access and will be available to students online.
  • Time saving :- Time saving is very important factor here as doing work manually has always proved to be time consuming as compared to working on computer systems.
  • Cost reducing: - Paper and ink costs along with labour costs (this includes cost setting of equipment in room exams and manually checking of papers)  will be reduced.
  • Statistical analysis: - The proposed online examination system will also have the function of creating charts from exam results.

3.     Scope

The online examination system will include exam generation functions and will have the ability to automate the process of exam checking and providing results. It will be a web-based application and results could be viewed by students online. Camera will be used to monitor students taking exams. The proposed system will be used by educational institutes and big organizations that will need to hire people based on initial tests.  

4.     Objectives, Outputs and Targets

The online examination system aims to improve the examination process of educational institutes as well as other big organizations that tend to hire employees on basis of some basic tests. This way, the whole examination and evaluation process will be automated that will be save lot of time and effort and is main objective. For this to happen, system should work the way it is supposed to (system should pass validation and verification testing). There are number of objectives and outputs that are expected to be delivered by the system. These include a friendly user interface, system reliability and efficiency i.e. operations performed should be accurate and data stored should be safe, generational of logs due to user activity.  (Report On Online Exam System, 2017)

4.1 User Requirements


User requirements online exam system isto make the projected system fast, adaptable, cost saving, time managing & error free.  Users should be able to login, take exam, logout and check the result online. Administrator should be able to login and create exams.System should have all the confidential data of students and staff as well so that no authorized person gets access to its database. A system can be authorized a stamp by checking and going through the students comments, and create the result when students completes his exam.

The primary concern is the usability of the proposed system. User interface will be designed as such that it will be easier to use even for people with little computer knowledge as user group can vary from students to people interested in joining big organizations.

4.2 Objectives determined from requirements

  • Authorization and Authentication
  • Quick outputs and solutions
  • System availability and reliability


4.3 Outputs and Targets

This system can also assist the employee with viewing automatic exam online instead of using the papers.

  • One login will associate to only specific admin, student or applicant. This means unique logins will be created and discarded for every person accordingly.
  • Credentials will stored in appropriate form and will be secure.
  • Reports will be generated when required.
  • Quick updating and validating of data on regular basis.

4.4 Use Case

4.5 Success Criteria

  • Easy to operate
  • User friendly interface
  • Security
  • Quick response
  • Available 24/7

5.     Key Assumptions


It’s assumed that the general user of software can operate the system with little knowledge of computers. Users that want to access the system will be having reliable internet connection so that exam isn’t left incomplete during internet crash.

6.     Design Aims

System’s user interface will be designed in a way that will facilitate and improve the overall experience of the user. The main user requirement is the taking of exam by student or an applicant. System will be designed so that it will respond fast and proper symbols, colors will be used to convey information. For an administrator to enter and create exam, step-by-step guide will be available to facilitate the process.(Design and Technologies, 2014)

7.     Outline of the proposed design

The online examination system will be web-based application and suitable themes will be deployed to make the application pleasant to view and to give ‘look and feel’ characteristic.  Proper buttons and links will be displayed and navigation within the application will not be complex. Blue color theme will be used as according to researchers, it gives mind a sense of calmness.

Clear menu will be used to indicate administrator login and student login as to avoid confusion. Student can view and skip questions, come back later to answer during exam to give more flexibility and good user experience. Stop watch will be displayed on top right of screen at all times. From admin perspective, whole process of creating exam will be guided when necessary. Results will be displayed and students will be sent email informing their results. 

Moreover organizations can create charts from different results to give them more insight on their exam quality and trends within exams.

8.     Proposed Evaluation Methods

The quality of user experience will be accesses through different methods. These may include

  • Usability Testing:- Throughout the phase of design development and deployment, volunteers will be asked to attempt a mock exam while ‘thinking aloud’ their thoughts and their impression of system. Observers will be take notes by watching volunteers through camera. System’s usability will be accessed keeping in view whether the volunteers were successfully able to complete tasks i.e. take exams and sign out or not. A short questionnaire will then be filled out by volunteer to help improve the system further.(Usability Body of Knowledge, 2012)


  • Surveys:- One of the cheap and feasible method is surveys and it is no surprise that they will be used here. Applicants after taking exam will be sent an e-mail asking them to complete an online survey about the system. This survey will include a series of questions which will help determine the overall impression of system to the user and improvements can then be made accordingly.

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