Critically analyse and propose actions regarding current issues influencing global business in the international political economy
2. Critically evaluate and deal with various opinions and views in matters involving the present world economic situation
3. Examine and debate globalization and ethical governance; multinational enterprises and ethical practices; international trade, labour, job creation and sovereign wealth
4. Employ frameworks for global and corporate strategies and environmental analyses at their own discretion adapted to a variety of not clearly defined contexts
Marketing and Communication
Marketing is a management discipline transcending countries, laws, politics and cultures and is used extensively throughout the world. There are however numerous differences that management must be aware of and incorporate into their strategy and tactical implementation.
Compare and contrast the various forms of advertising (television, radio, print, and online/social media) in two (2) different countries situated in different geographical regions. Point out the strengths and weaknesses of each countries’ regulations.
Choose two (2) aspects from the list, according to which you are going to make your analysis:
• advertising laws;
• industry guide lines on advertisements;
• culturally acceptable guidelines;
• regulatory bodies and agencies.
Choose two (2) from these topics to be covered in the essay:
• vice products (commonly accepted as alcohol and tobacco);
• comparative advertising between products;
• allowable content and positioning;
• rules and regulations regarding children.
In addition, address the penalties, fines and processes if the laws, regulations and/or guidelines are broken. Be sure to include actual print advertisements, and links to television, radio and online examples to support your findings and research.
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In addition the following guidelines must be followed if a student is to be eligible for full marks:
• The points within each topic are not a sole indication of the total information or review required. They are provided to give you a starting point from which to expand, investigate and build-upon and use your creativity while providing valuable insight and information.
• Use, at a minimum, 20 references no older than four (4) years to complete your report (note: data or information prior to 2012, other than to indicate a trend or form a historical note is not acceptable) OF THE 20 REFERENCES A MINIMUM OF 10 NEED TO BE FROM ACADEMIC SOURCES.
• Show and note all references according to the Harvard-style referencing process
• You need to include specific examples and demonstrate insight and creativity
• Use of charts, graphs, pictures, cartoons, tables, and timely graphics related to your topic are encouraged and should be used within the body of the report.
• Ensure the report flows between the country choices and various sections.
• For a mark of 70 percent or more, students should produce a paper with a flawless structure. A good overview of the paper in the introduction, a main body that is broken down into separate