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[Solved] Power and Racism:Extremist group in the US

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[Solved] Power and Racism:Extremist group in the US

Power and Racism

Extremist group in the US

Several groups use hate speech against the Hispanics in the mainstream media. The most notable of these groups are FAIR, CIS, and the Number USA. Although they may be known to be the lobbying groups that are against immigration, these groups have on various occasion been quoted to be using stereotypes or bigotry, which is more or less the use of hate speech (Rusciano 176).
Oppression and Internalized oppression

Organista (92) defines oppression as prolonged or sustained form of unjust treatment. It may take different forms but the most notable aspect is the internalized oppression also known by the term self-oppression. In this case, an individual may tend to believe they are weaker and should endure the oppression or unfair treatment. Key factors that support oppression are power and the party that possess the power. Through these two aspects, an individual can instigate the form of policies or procedures that best pleases them, and control other people unfairly through their actions or infringing into their civil rights. In the case of internalized oppression, different communities may be made to feel weaker or to believe that their race is not worthy. In such a case, these people would not be concerned whether the oppressor takes away their civil rights.

Oppression may also culminate due to the stratification of the society into various classes. The people in the upper class will always want to maintain a certain lifestyle and exude an air of authority while they may also believe that people in the lower class cannot measure up to the expectation of their class. A tussle may arise should the people in these groups feel they should be equal. Such tussles may lead oppression for the sake intimidating the weaker party from seeking some level of equality or uniformity with the stronger party (Rusciano 185).

Other forms of racism as Yamato notes are based on the societal view and definitions of being. These are what Yamato notes to be the “ism” whatever the form of oppression they may be, there are parties to be oppressed or coerced by the powerful individuals in the society. For the oppressed to do away with problem, there is need for them to adopt some level of unity that seeks to understand their being and makeup.

Forms of racism

Yamato notes there are about four forms of racism. These are aware blatant, covert, unaware unintentional and unaware self-righteous racism in each of these cases she notes racism is showcased by the same people only that it embodies different forms. She adds that it is these forms that can be said to be the mutation aspect of racism. Thus, she recommends the need to tackle more than just one form of racism at a time (Rusciano 184).

The first form of racism as Yamato discuses is aware blatant racism. It is usually a direct notation that implies individuals from a certain race are not appealing and thus may not be in line with the interests of the racists. This implies that color is the main factor that determines how people will connect or relate with one another. Blatant is an outright form of racism, which is known just by the mere mention of the name racism. Most people recognize blatant racism due to its prevalence in the various capacities especially when a person moves to a different culture other than that of their own.

The second form of racism is covert aware. As Yamato puts it, covert mostly arises as an escalation of the blatant form of racism. In this case, people begin to be denied certain privileges in the society due to their color or race. Some of the notable instances when this form of racism is notable is when people are denied access to certain houses or apartments or the prices of these houses rise. In this case, the racist may infringe into the rights of an individual. However, due to the current level of laws and the heightened monitoring by governments for the sake of equality and equity to all races, most individuals obscure their acts by adopting this form of racism.

Unaware unintentional is the third form of racism in this category. Just as the name implies, it arises unintentionally when people do not consciously plan or think of it, but due to the makeup of various individuals, people find themselves taking position that implies that the situation is eminent in the society. Unintentional unaware racism arises as a form of guilt that encourages individuals to feel or show compassion for the races that are vulnerable hence displaying that the situation is prominent in the society.

The fourth form is unaware self-righteous racism, which embraces the same ideologies such as the internalized racism. Unaware self-righteous racism may arise due to societal, communal, or personal expectations. Interestingly, there are no limits on where this form may arise. In some cases, individuals from the same community can instigate its prevalence by noting some of the flaws that an individual has, yet from the expectation of the society, they should have them. In return, the racist or the person claiming racism may try to show why they are better off to the weaker party.


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  • Title: [Solved] Power and Racism:Extremist group in the US
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Assignment Queries
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[Solved] Power and Racism:Extremist group in the US [Solved] Power and Racism:Extremist group in the US
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