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[Solved] Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can

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[Solved] Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can have this ready, or obtain it that day).

In this paper, you are asked to Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can have this ready, or obtain it that day). determine the number of servings consumed in the groups mentioned. 

Nutritional Assessment:

  • Obtain information on the diet from the parent and/or child:
  • Typical number of meals/day; number of snacks/day
  • Food preferences: what foods does the child prefer? What types do they like least or will not eat at all?
  • Any digestive problems: indigestion, constipation, vomiting, bloating
  • Any food allergies?
  • How would the parent rate/describe their usual appetite?
  • Any recent weight changes?
  • Does the child take vitamins or other dietary supplements?
  • Does the parent have any concerns or questions about the child’s eating habits?
  • Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can have this ready, or obtain it that day). Try to obtain specific information, such as how large the serving was of the various foods. Would the parent consider this a typical day with regards to food intake?
  • Using the 24-hour food recall, determine the number of servings consumed in the following groups:
  • Breads/grains
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Milk/dairy
  • Meats/beans
  • Fats and sugars

To create a food plan for Preschoolers (ages 2 to 5), go to


  • Go to bottom of the web page and select My Plate Daily Checklist (formerly Daily Food Plan), the Super Tracker My Plan (for an eating plan) is there for your access. This will show the food group targets – what and how much to eat within the calorie allowance. A food plan is personalized, based on age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity level. You will be asked to create a profile using your child’s information. You can register to save the profile if you want to.  The profile area to enter the child’s information is in the bottom center of the page after you select My Plate Daily Checklist
  • Here, enter the name (real or a code name, but you need to enter something here), gender, age, and amount of daily activity, if known. This brings up a personalized food pyramid with the amount of each food group to aim for each day.
  • Back on the original preschooler site http://www.choosemyplate.gov/preschoolers.html, go back to the center but lower part of the page and click on the topics to the left for a wealth of information (sample menus and serving sizes recommended for the food groups). You will need to choose the total number of calories desired to access the specific serving sizes.  Of course, please feel free to explore this helpful site.  It is not just for children and can be utilized for any age group.
  • Compare the number of servings in the 24-hour food recall to the Food Plan obtained and explain your findings; based on this comparison, what recommendations would you make to improve or optimize nutrition for the child? You may communicate these to the parent, but this is not mandatory. You do not need to submit this Food Plan with your assignment.
  • Note: the above choosemyplate site only ‘works’ for children 2 and older; if your subject is younger than this, instead of the directions above, go to your textbook Elsevier Evolve site (https://evolve.elsevier.com). Use the appendices provided there: use Appendix F for the nutritional information and assessment, comparing the information obtained in the 24-hour food recall to the information provided in this chart. For the growth and development section, use Appendix D: Growth Charts for the ones appropriate for your subject’s age and gender. On-line methods for calculating BMI for children under 2 yr. are not available, so just go by what you learn from these growth charts.



  • Obtain a current height and weight for the child; if possible, weigh and measure using a tape measure and household scale. Otherwise, use the height and weight from the child’s last wellness visit. Obtain a head circumference for children 3 yr. and under using a tape measure.
  • Run off the growth charts available from your textbook Evolve site: go to Student Resources; go to Chapter 9 (or any chapter really): click on Appendices, then on Appendix D: Growth Charts for Boys and Girls. Run off the ones for your child’s age and gender. These are also in the back of your text.
  • Using these appendix printouts, plot for your subject:
  • For children birth to 36 months: plot out the length-for-age, weight-for-age, head circumference-for-age and weight-for-length percentiles
  • For children 2 years and older: plot the stature-for-age & weight-for-age percentiles
  • For subjects 2 yr. or older, to determine the child’s BMI (body mass index), go to the following site:  http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood/index.html

in the left-hand menu select Child & Teen BMI Calculator; here, enter the child’s date of birth (which you will need to obtain- just don’t include it in your paper!), the date of your assessment, the gender of the child, and a weight and height; then click on Calculate. You will be given results: both their BMI, and the interpretation of it (whether or not they would be considered overweight or obese). On the results page you can also click on ‘BMI-for-Age Percentile Growth Chart’ to get this.

  • Note: you do not need to submit these charts as part of the paper; just report your findings
  • Based on these percentiles and the BMI, would you recommend either a weight gain or loss for this child? How would you explain these percentiles to the parent? In other words, how are these interpreted- what do these percentiles mean? Does the child seem to be growing appropriately?


Developmental Assessment


For this portion, go to the following web site: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/index.html  This is the homepage for developmental information from the CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here, under Developmental Milestones, click on “Milestones children should reach from birth through 5 years of age”


On this page, on the upper (white) portion of the page, click on the appropriate age for your child under  ‘Click on the age of your child to see the milestones’. This brings up a list of activities usually attained by this age. It also includes, under Developmental Monitoring, a list of activities or indicators that may be a warning signal for some type of development delay or problem. Run off a copy of the list prior to your visit to interview the parent, as you will want to go through this list with the parent. (On the Milestones page above, in the light purple section, you can also enter the age of your child, then click on Go; you will get the same list of milestones as above, but it does not include the list of ‘warning signs’ that you get by obtaining the list above.) Again, you do not need to include this form when submitting this paper, but need to discuss your findings in the paper.


Go through this list with the parent, noting which ones have been attained or not attained by the child. Based on this, does the child seem to be at an appropriate developmental level? Does the parent have any concerns or questions about the child’s development?

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  • Title: [Solved] Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can have this ready, or obtain it that day).
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Assignment Queries
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[Solved] Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can have this ready, or obtain it that day). [Solved] Perform a 24-hour food recall of all meals and snacks; (you may tell the parent about this ahead of time so that they can have this ready, or obtain it that day).
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