Mid Term Assignment Name Institution Date Mid-Term Assignment Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine was a military intervention by Russia in Ukraine. In the year 2014, several military incursions were made by Russia into Ukrainian territories where by Russian soldiers took control of infrastructure, and strategic positions within Crimea (Miller, Vaux, Fitzpatrick, &Weiss, 2015). The invasion followed the fall of the Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, and Euromaidan protests. Crimea was then conquered by Russia after a disputed referendum, in which the Crimeans voted to join the federation of Russia; subsequently, there were demonstrations by a group of pro- Russian in the area of Donbas area of Ukraine. The demonstrations turned into an armed conflict between the separatist forces of self- declared Lugansk People’s Republic, and the Ukrainian government. Accordingly, this paper explains the event of Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, and how realism as a theoretical perspective best explains this post-revolutionary event in Ukraine. Approximately 8,000 people have been killed in the Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine conflict since April 2014, and 10,000 Russian troops have been deployed in eastern Ukraine for more than a year (Wiser, 2015). The conflict started when Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine was seized by unmarked Russian soldiers in March 2014, an invasion that followed the fall of a pro-Moscow leader.