Measuring vitamin C
Vitamin C Measurement
Of all the vitamins studied in class, Vitamin C is the most common one. Not very many people, in class or otherwise do not have an idea of the vitamin, its functions in the body and some of the sources, where the body extracts it. It would be hard for most people to name the sources for riboflavin compared to naming citrus fruits as one of the main sources for vitamin c. it also happens to be one of the most used nutrient supplement, hence the level of popularity. There are a number of functions that the vitamin plays in the body. Among are the fact that, the vitamin is one of the best antioxidant. This means that it has molecules that help in maintaining control of the chemical reactions in the body. The vitamin as such, is involved in reducing the rate of activities of the free radicals in the body. One of the best example of this function is the ability the vitamin has of converting iron into a state that is better absorbed in the intestines (Condé Nast, 2017). This reduces the buildup of the element in the digestive track. The vitamin is also crucial in the production of collagen, which is a protein that plays a vital role in the structure of the body. It is for this reason that people suffering from scurvy lose teeth, their bones, muscles and easily bleed.