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List three environmental cues and indicate how they influence your expectations for communication?

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List three environmental cues and indicate how they influence your expectations for communication?

Main book for all the questions : file://studentfiles.win.canberra.edu.au/Homes$/u3128187/Downloads/TEXTBOOK%20Management%20Communication%20(1).pdf (attached file)


Question 1:  List three environmental cues and indicate how they influence your expectations for communication?

“Chapter 1 Section 2: What Is Communication?”

External sources : Watch: Regis University, “The Importance of Communication in Leadership”


Question 2:  Does the communicator have a responsibility to the audience? Does the audience have a responsibility to the speaker? Provide a justification for your view.

“Chapter 1: Effective Business Communication: Section 4: Your Responsibilities as a Communicator”

External sources: Watch: abcminds’ “The NLP Communication Model”


Question 3: From your viewpoint, how do you think thought influences the use of language? Provide evidence to support your view.

“Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message” and “Section 1: What Is Language?”

Question 4: How does language affect self-concept? Explore and research your answer finding examples that can serve as case studies.

Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message: “Section 2: Messages”Please read “Section 2: Messages” in its entirety. This section discusses categorizing messages based on their importance.  It also introduces the five common elements in any message, some of which you will recognize from the discussion in Chapter 1 about communication models and all of which you will encounter later when you examine how a speech is organized.


Question 5: Choose an article or opinion piece from a major newspaper or news Web site. Analyse the piece according to the five-part structure described in the readings. Does the headline serve as a good attention statement? Does the piece conclude with a sense of closure? How are the main points presented and supported?

Please read “Section 2: Messages” in its entirety. This section discusses categorizing messages based on their importance.  It also introduces the five common elements in any message, some of which you will recognize from the discussion in Chapter 1 about communication models and all of which you will encounter later when you examine how a speech is organized . (SAME AS NO 4)


Question 6: Is there ever a justifiable use for doublespeak? Why or why not? Explain your response and give some examples

Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message: “Section 4: Language Can Be an Obstacle to Communication Please read “Section 3: Principles of Verbal Communication” in its entirety. This section goes deeper into the rules that govern language and then introduces the concept of language paradigms (premises that are taken as fact).  It also explains how language is arbitrary, symbolic, and abstract as well as how it serves imperfectly to organize and classify reality.

Please read “Section 4: Language Can Be an Obstacle to Communication” in its entirety. This section discusses why clichés, jargon, slang, sexism, racism, euphemisms, and doublespeak weaken the effectiveness of language by making it less efficient and/or less acceptable


Question 7: Find an article or listen to a presentation that uses signposts. Identify the signposts and explain how they help the audience follow the article or presentation.

 Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message: “Section 5: Emphasis Strategies”. Please read “Section 5: Emphasis Strategies” in its entirety. This section describes communication tactics that can be used to emphasize a message or parts of a message: visuals, signposts, reviews, previews, and repetition.


Question 8: Choose a piece of writing from a profession you are unfamiliar with. For example, if you are studying marketing, choose an excerpt from a book on fashion design. Identify several terms you are unfamiliar with, terms that may be considered jargon. How does the writer help you understand the meaning of these terms? Could the writer make them easier to understand?

Chapter 2: Delivering Your Message: “Section 6: Improving Verbal Communication”. Please read “Section 6: Improving Verbal Communication” in its entirety. This section describes how to improve communication by defining your terms, choosing precise words, considering your audience, controlling your tone, checking for understanding, and adopting results-oriented approaches.


Question 9: How does your self-concept influence your writing?

Question 10: What does the field of psychology offer concerning the self-fulfilling prophecy?

“Chapter 3: Understanding Your Audience: Introduction” and “Section 1: Self-Understanding Is Fundamental to Communication”, .Please read the introduction to “Chapter 3: Understanding Your Audience” and “Section 1: Self-Understanding Is Fundamental to Communication” in its entirety. These readings focus on how you can become a more effective communicator by understanding yourself and how others view you.  They also discuss the centrality of attitudes, beliefs, and values with respect to an individual’s self-concept and how self-fulfilling prophecies can influence decision making (same for 9 and 10)


Question 11: How does the process of perception limit our view, or expand it? Can we choose how to perceive things?

Please read “Chapter 3,Section 2: Perception” in its entirety. This section explains in depth how we select, organize, and interpret words and ideas based on a perceptual framework shaped by our expectations and assumptions.  


Question 12: Make a list of benefits and drawbacks to each of the listening styles discussed in the reading from “Contemporary Public Speaking”.

Question 13: The reading from “Contemporary Public Speaking” refers to psychological noise as one of the distractions you might experience. Identify strategies you have successfully used to minimise the impact of the specific psychological noises you have experienced.

Please read this introduction to “Chapter 4” in its entirety.  This brief section explains the difference between listening and hearing and the benefits of listening in effective communication. (same for 12 and 13)


Question 14: Refer to the e-mail or text message examples provided in the reading for this submodule. Would you send that message to your lecturer? Why or why not? What normative expectations concerning professor-student communication are there and where did you learn them?

Question 15: How does the intended audience influence the choice of words and use of language in a document? Think of a specific topic and two specific kinds of audiences. Then write a short example of how this topic might be presented to each of the two audiences.

Please read the introduction to “Chapter 4” and “Section 1: Oral versus Written Communication” in their entirety. These readings start with a review of the elements discussed in the communication models introduced in subModule 1.2, defining and exemplifying each element again to illustrate how writing for the eye differs from writing for the ear. The key concept here is that the biggest difference between those writing styles is that writing for the eye is usually asynchronous.

Please read “Section 2: How Is Writing Learned?” in its entirety. This section follows the well-established recognition that the more you read and write, the better you read and write, and it adds to the discussion of the benefits of constructive criticism, critical thinking, and targeted practice as good habits most excellent writers possess.

Please read “Section 3: Good Writing” in its entirety. This section gives you an overview of the characteristics of good writing, including an important discussion of why and how the traits of good writing promote understanding as well as a table that provides examples of how rhetorical elements and cognate strategies relate to business communication practices

Please read “Section 4: Style in Written Communication” in its entirety. This section categorizes writing styles as colloquial, casual, informal, or formal and indicates when and where each style is appropriate.


Question 16:      Create a sales letter for an audience that comes from a culture other than your own. Identify the culture and articulate how your message is tailored to your perception of your intended audience.

Please read “Chapter 4, Section 5: Principles of Written Communication” in its entirety. This section applies to words many of the same concepts that were applied to language in Chapter 2: Words are governed by rules, shape reality, and have ethical dimensions (e.g., plagiarism and libel).


Question 17: Create a draft letter introducing a product or service to a new client.

Chapter 4: Effective Business Writing: “Section 6: Overcoming Barriers to Effective Written Communication”


Please read “Overcoming Barriers to Effective Written Communication” in its entirety. This section argues that to overcome barriers to communication, good writers pay attention to details, strive to understand the target meaning, consider nonverbal expressions, and make it a habit to review, reflect, and revise.

Please read the sections for the Chapter 9 introduction and “Section 1: Text, E-mail, and Netiquette” in their entirety. These readings emphasize how your written business communication represents you and your company and thus should be clear, concise, and professional. They also discuss the etiquette and context of text messaging and e-mail, emphasizing the social customs and netiquette rules that have been established with those forms of communication, even though they are relatively new in the workplace.

Please read “Section 2: Memorandums and Letters” in its entirety. This section covers the content, format, and standard elements of letters and memos, providing a concise guide to producing professionalism in the design of each format.


Question 18: Identify a product or service you would like to produce or offer. List three companies that you would like to sell your product or service to and learn more about them. Record your findings, making the link between your product or service and company needs.

Please read “Chapter 9, Section 3: Business Proposal” in its entirety. This section provides instructions on how to produce a business proposal.

Watch: UpWrite Press’ “The Key Forms of Business Writing: Proposals”


Question 19: When is a longer resume justified? Explain.

Chapter 9: Business Writing in Action: “Section 4: Report”. Please read “Section 4: Report” in its entirety. This section describes different types of reports and the writing elements they share and demonstrates how to develop your own report. Chapter 9: Business Writing in Action: “Section 5: Résumé”. Please read “Section 5: Résumé” in its entirety. This section provides the reasoning, guidance, and examples for how to create an acceptable résumé. 


Question 20: How can a speaker prepare a speech for a diverse audience? Explain and give some specific examples.

Chapter 10: section 1,2,3,4,5


Question 21: Is it important to consider the rhetorical situation? Provide a justification for your view.

Question 22: Let’s take the topic of tattoos. Imagine you are going to present two informative speeches about tattoos: one to a group of middle school children, and the other to a group of college students. How would you adapt your topic for each audience and why? Provide an example or explanation

“Chapter 12: Organisation and Outlines: Introduction” and “Section 1: Rhetorical Situation”


Question 23: Does organising a presentation involve ethics? Explain your response.

“Chapter 12: Organization and Outlines: Section 2: Strategies for Success”


Question 24: By visiting the library or doing an Internet search, find a speech given by someone you admire. The speech may be published in a book or newspaper, recorded in an audio file, or recorded on video (but must have been made in English and not be a translation). It may be a political speech, a business speech, or even a commercial sales pitch. Analyse the speech using the five structural elements as this speaker has used them and include a link to the speech in your answer.

Chapter 12: Organization and Outlines: “Section 3: Building a Sample Speech”


Question 25: Think of one technology or application that you perceive has transformed your world. Choose two organising principles and create two short sample outlines for speeches about your topic.

Chapter 12: Organization and Outlines: “Section 4: Sample Speech Outlines”

Chapter 12: Organization and Outlines: “Section 5: Organizing Principles for Your Speech”

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  • Title: List three environmental cues and indicate how they influence your expectations for communication?
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List three environmental cues and indicate how they influence your expectations for communication? List three environmental cues and indicate how they influence your expectations for communication?
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