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[Solved] It can be argued that traditional communication models no longer reflect the complexity of communication in the 21st cent

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[Solved] It can be argued that traditional communication models no longer reflect the complexity of communication in the 21st century. What should HR do in order harness positive aspects of developments in communication, whilst ensuring that communication remains

Please remember to introduce and integrate appropriate theory into your answers. You may also use work examples and/or examples from your reading.  ANSWER ANY 6 QUESTIONS OUT OF 8 BELOW,WITH WORD LIMIT OF 750 WORDS FOR EACH ANSWER

  1. It can be argued that traditional communication models no longer reflect the complexity of communication in the 21st century. What should HR do in order harness positive aspects of developments in communication, whilst ensuring that communication remains appropriate within the workplace?
  1.  Explore the differences between ‘leadership’ and ‘management’ and discuss whether there is a need for both in 21st century organisations?
  1. Where people have to interact and cooperate to achieve goals, conflict is inevitable. With reference to theory, discuss the potential causes of conflict in organisations and the strategies that can be used to minimise dysfunctional outcomes.
  1. Organisations may be structured similarly but may feel very different places in which to work, due to having differing organisational cultures. Discuss two perspectives on organisational culture and suggest whether culture can be managed.
  1. With reference to theory, critically discuss factors that contribute to effective team working.
  1. To what extent can it be claimed that HRM is a ‘value adding’ function?
  1. With reference to theory discuss barriers to change and outline how an organisation might implement change management effectively.
  1. Discuss how either coaching or mentoring, can support learning in the workplace.


1.   To what extent does the ‘flexible organisation’ model offer a solution for addressing the turbulent economic environment?

  1. From a HR perspective, evaluate the prominent demographic and social trends in terms of their implications for contemporary organisations
  1. Reflecting on people, how can HR maximise the potential of technological developments?
  1. Globalisation suggests increasing convergence of societies, but cultural factors point to a strengthening of a more localist outlook. What are the implications of this for HR directors?
  1. Organisational dilemmas that provide challenges to management for resolution – why? How can HR assist with the understanding and resolution of CSR and ethical dilemmas, and hence improve their organisation’s performance in this important area?

The questions require an integrated discussion. There is a need to convey to an understanding of the subject under discussion, and moreover, the ability to illustrate it with concise examples. Appropriate concepts, models and issues need to be identified, explained and linked together.

Marking Approach

The following are some points for consideration:

  1. The need for clear definitions, analysis and explanation of the relevant concepts, models and themes
  2. The need for a structured approach, which utilises appropriate terminology, models and frameworks wherever possible
  3. The need for depth in the answer
  4. The need for examples to be included in concise form: too long spent on illustrations inevitably undermines the conceptual discussion
  5. The need for clarity and consistency in discussing and presenting the answer


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  • Title: [Solved] It can be argued that traditional communication models no longer reflect the complexity of communication in the 21st century. What should HR do in order harness positive aspects of developments in communication, whilst ensuring that communication remains
  • Price: £ 149
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Papers
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] It can be argued that traditional communication models no longer reflect the complexity of communication in the 21st century. What should HR do in order harness positive aspects of developments in communication, whilst ensuring that communication remains [Solved] It can be argued that traditional communication models no longer reflect the complexity of communication in the 21st century. What should HR do in order harness positive aspects of developments in communication, whilst ensuring that communication remains
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