Trial of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Children Name Institutional Affiliation Trial of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Children Various Studies have shown that children are more prone to mental instability, with the primary factor being stress and anxiety. The potential stresses may arise in a number of ways, such as school work, poverty and exploitation at home, and the result can be either be beneficial or negative. For instance, school work stress may make the student to work hard. On the other hand, home based stress may lead to school dropouts, drug abuse and suicide, among others. As such, there is a need to formulate various ways that might be helpful in controlling their emotions, which they sometimes find it unbearable. The paper provides an analysis of an article written in 2009 by Randye, Jennifer, Dinelia and Lisa; A Randomized Trial of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT-C) and how it helps in enhancing children mindfulness, social and emotional resilience. A Cross Sectional Research A cross sectional analysis research was done for the identification of Mindfulness Based Cognition Therapy for Children effectiveness.