Cross-Cultural Health PerspectivesName:Institution:When treating patients, doctors and other medical practitioners have to develop the art and skills required to communicate with their patients. This is more crucial especially where the patients are from different cultural backgrounds (Misra-Hebert & Isaacson, 2012). In most cases, there are subtle differences that occur between different cultures with reference to the cultural beliefs, medical remedies and methods of treating the sick. The Chinese and American cultures for example, are quite different and medical practitioners need to be aware of cross cultural differences that exist and have the skills to manage these differences for a better relation with the patient, and quality health care delivery.In the second clip, the only aspect that can be depicted to have been well handled with reference to quality cross cultural communication skills is the introduction (, 2014). As the female patient gets into the room, the medical practitioner welcomes the patient and offers him a seat. As they begin to converse the medical practitioner shows little or no signs of understanding the quality of cross cultural communication skills. In the first communication clip however, there are numerous signs of a well versed medical practitioner that understands the quality of cross cultural communication.