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[Solved] Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture present in your workplace. Personal; dynamic; formal; prod

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[Solved] Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture present in your workplace. Personal; dynamic; formal; production oriented.

Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture


Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture present in your workplace. Personal; dynamic; formal; production oriented.

Organization chart of CEO, CNO (Chief nursing officer), NURSE MANGER, ETC

Identify ONE Mental Health Care disparity that you have observed and provide suggestions/actions that you think will help in correcting this disparity.

If you are to formulate a Cultural Assessment Tool for your organization, what items will you include in it, and why?

Identify at least 2 negative attitudes or behavior you have observed in your organization, and suggest ways on how to handle this or correct it.

Poor customer service

Poor quality of patient care

CultureName:Institution:Date:Organization/Hospital CultureThere are several organizational structures ranging from simple structures to complex. According to ICAF (1999), an organizational culture can be viewed as an organizational identity created, maintained, and managed by employees and leaders. They are relations between organizational roles.The organizational culture is hierarchical. The structure is formally organized with the CEO being the overall leader and other leaders are under him. The leadership roles are decentralized with each manager under the CEO given autonomy to run the activities of the department and report to the CEO CITATION Tei12 l 1033 (Teixeira, Koufteros, & Peng, 2012). The stability of the environment allows integration, coordination, and uniformity of services. Decision making authority follows a clear line and there are standardized rules and procedures. Here accountability and control are key vital CITATION Tei12 l 1033 (Teixeira, Koufteros, & Peng, 2012).Mental Health DisparityAn individual`s and or population`s health is influenced by several factors. Poor health, disease risk, and limited access to healthcare are interrelated and reported among individuals with social, environmental, and economic disadvantages CITATION Cen13 l 1033 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Health care disparities occur when there are differences in health outcomes or health determinants between different populations. Health disparities and inequalities are terms that can be used interchangeably and refer to gaps existing in health amongst certain segments of the population CITATION Cen13 l 1033 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013).Over the last twenty years, issues regarding mental health disparities have attracted attention. For example, Americans in rural areas have limited access to services on mental health compared to other Americans suicide rates vary demographically, and individuals who are at an economic disadvantage are at a greater risk of developing mental conditions than their wealthy counterparts (Safran et al., 2009). According to the Surgeon general`s report on Mental Health (2001), Culture, Race, And Ethnicity revealed that the diversity within the population is continuously increasing and it is in the Country`s or healthcare system best interest to ensure the health of individuals (Safran et al., 2009).Mental health disparity is dependent on three factors: the focus of the agency, the expertise involved in the definition, and the purpose and context of definition. For example, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines a disparity in mental health as a disparity in the incidence of mental illness, mortality, morbidity, rate of illness, or rates of survival compared to the general population (Safran et al., 2009).Centre for Disease Control and Prevention defines mental health disparity on the following categories; first disparities regarding attention provided to...

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  • Title: [Solved] Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture present in your workplace. Personal; dynamic; formal; production oriented.
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture present in your workplace. Personal; dynamic; formal; production oriented. [Solved] Identify and explain the type of Organization/Hospital Culture present in your workplace. Personal; dynamic; formal; production oriented.
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