Sunrise at Countryside, 45800 Jona Drive
Sterling, VA 20165 (please use this location)
Teaching presentation topic nutrition (areas to cover Hydration, Constipation, well balance diet, protein intake, and supplemental use for the elderly). Location Sunrise at Countryside, 45800 Jona Drive
Sterling, VA 20165 (Independent and assistant living facility)
Teaching Project (TP) “Outline Format” with APA cover page
Student Name: Date: Site:
Part 1. Assessment of Needs and Rationales (30%)
a. Group/Aggregate description-(10%) Age 65 to 96 years
i. What is the health teaching need- To educate senior on health eating habit (nutrition).
ii. Who identified the need- Ann Creech Activities and volunteer coordinator.
iii. How was the need identified-
iv. Quote the evidence/research about this group-
v. Aggregate teaching needs (application of evidence based practice- cite different research here)-
b. Assessment of readiness (There may be possible constraints in assessing this area due to limited group availability or the setting). (10%)
i. Readiness-
ii. Motivation-
iii. Experiential background (any previous teaching this group received before you the student teaches them?)-
iv. Current Status (age intellectual level and/or educational level, etc)-
v. Interest and actual and/or potential barriers to learning-
c. 2 Community/Group Diagnoses (10%)
Part 2. Teaching Plan (40%)
a. TP on time. Pictures of poster board or handouts, Letter to Parents, & YouTube video provided in advance.
b. What specific gains are you aiming for with your aggregate? (10%)-
b. 2 Objectives (10%)
c. 15%:
Identify at least 3 teaching strategies/methods nursing student to use. (Examples Q & A, pretest/post test, discussion, lecture, video, handouts, survey, case study, demonstration, role playing, ppt slides, poster board, web links, letter to ACCA parents, readings, self-report, group work, brain storming, visual aids, etc…)
e. Content based on literature review on reference page - 4 evidence based resources within the past 5 years.
f. APA Format.
g. What financial needs to be in place in order to make the changes occur? - (5%)
APA Cover & Reference page added.