Title:Â Â Â Canadian Aboriginal HousingStudent`s Name:Professor`s Name:Institution`s Name:Course Code:Date:Thesis statementThe purpose of this paper is to view the history of housing for the Aboriginal Canadians both Off- Reserve and On -Reserve and how it is relevant to the current Aboriginal housing policy.History of the Aboriginal housing in CanadaUrban native housing: off-reserveAfter the end of the Second World War, many of the returning aboriginal solders chose to stay in urban areas reason being that a good number of First Nation men had given up their status so that they could join the Canadian forces. Moreover, in 1951 changes were made to the Indian act so as to enable the indigenous Indians to obtain a pass to leave their reserves without asking for permission. This was a main factor together with the changing economies on reserves that contributed to the relocation of more and more Indians from the reserve areas into urban and non-reserve areas in search of better opportunities such as; employment, housing and education. As a result of linguistics, social, cultural, economic differences and racism majority of the indigenous people ended up being relegated to the housing conditions that were worse in the cities.According to Lange & Skelton majority of the elderly people of the aboriginal origin often found themselves displaced due to their movements from the rural reserves to urban settings (2010,P.71). Majority of them often moved to urban settings for the purpose of medical checkups but became the victims` of already existing fragile support systems. Responsibilities for their needs were not catered for properly in relation to housing as it was not assigned clearly to governments or band organizations within the current neoliberal climate policy. Some of the elderly people moved i...