Book review. Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John Ratey
You will write a Book Review for The book: Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain Ratey, J. J. (2014). Spark: The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. ———————————————————————————————————————- NOTE: APA , word document Overview: Book Review Expresses your motivation for selecting the particular book, the impression the book made on you, information from another external, reliable source that either corroborates or contradicts the book and how or why this book will or will not impact you. Note that your additional source should be from a recent, professional journal or website (NIH, CDC, etc.). Blogs, magazines and newspapers are not considered professional resources. An external source is one that is not included within the course readings Be sure that you are using correct APA format for all of your citations and references to include the book title. Outline your responses to the criteria listed in the rubric and instructions. Use language and examples that demonstrate your understanding of course concepts and reflect your personal position on the author’s stance. Write professionally and concisely, be sure to proofread your assignment and correct any errors before submitting it. Your paper should be double spaced, include a separate Title and Reference page and the body of the paper should not exceed 3 pages of double spaced written work. Introduction Write a short paragraph that introduces your paper to the reader. This usually includes mention of all of the content/topics that will be written about within the body of the paper. Insert paper Title, centered, not bolded and Title case. Then start paragraph. Part I: Book State which book you chose, and discuss why you chose it. Include specific references to book title, description, authors, or particular experiences of yours that prompted you to select the book. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case. Then start paragraph. Part II: Two Topics of Interest Write two separate paragraphs describing topics or pieces of information from the book itself that made the greatest impression on you. Discuss why the topic impacted you giving an example of student impact for each of the topics. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case. Then start paragraphs. Part III: Corroboration / Contradiction Provide at least two examples from an external source that either corroborates or contradicts the information or stance taken by the author of the book on your topics of interest. Be specific and relate the information from the external source to the book itself. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case. Then start paragraphs. Part IV: Practice Application Explain why or how the information you gained from the reading of this book will or will not affect your personal actions or your professional practice. Insert heading title, centered, bolded and Title Case. Then start paragraph.
Book Review Name: Institutional Affiliation: Book review: Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John Ratey Introduction The ultimate reason for cardiovascular exercise is the desire for lifelong health. Dr. Ratey’s book published in 2014 dubbed Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain and the author explores the brain chemicals secreted during physical exercises such as BDNF, VEGF, and IGF1. Book and motivation for choosing The book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain describes how humans can apply cardiovascular exercises to sharpen their intellect, alleviate their moods, beat stress and enhance body functioning. The first three chapters of the book explore how physical exercises aid in brain remodeling for the achievement of brain’s peak performance.