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[Solved] How journey is a common motif in spiritual writings

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[Solved] How journey is a common motif in spiritual writings

Children of the dust Book Review


PLEASE OPEN THE FOLLOWING LINK TO READ THE BOOK "CHILDREN OF THE DUST" BY ALI ETERAZ AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING: http://www.harpercollins.com/browseinside/index.aspx?isbn13=9780062015150 Based upon required course readings that proffer contemporary accounts of the lived experience of Confucianism and Islam. The reviews call for you to consider the contemporary expressions of these faiths and to reflect upon their relevance to your own and our collective societal experience--To consider how central teachings, principals and practices of these faith traditions could be introduced and implemented into your own life, experience and American culture so as to lend to your personal and our collective edification. In light of the above description from our course syllabus, your review of Ali Eteraz’s book, Children of the Dust, ought to consider the following: How journey is a common motif in spiritual writings—Eteraz’s journey from childhood to adulthood and from Pakistan to the United States and how these journeys, in turn, convey Eteraz’s evolving self-understanding, spiritual maturation, understanding of Islam, etc. Eteraz’s and his family’s experience of Islam/the Islamic ethos during their residency in Pakistan and America, respectively How Islam/the Islamic ethos is expressed in contemporary Pakistani culture—Including, when relevant/pertinent, consideration and assessment of central Islamic tenets operative in and experienced by the Eteraz’s during their residency in contemporary Pakistan The Eteraz’s experience of how Islam is perceived by certain segments of the population in the United States via consideration of relevant/pertinent experiences of the Eteraz’s during their residency in contemporary America…and how Ali’s American experiences impacted, informed, shaped and colored his spiritual journey and his understanding of his faith/religion What lessons we can take from Eteraz’s experiences that might contribute to a better social experience in our culture and to the improvement of ourselves as individuals as we undergo our own journeys and spiritual maturation, and as our own religious understandings and sensitivities evolve Additionally: Allow the review to be an occasion by which you reflect upon and consider aspects, anecdotes and aspects of the book and the experience of Eteraz which particularly struck you in some way—positively and/or negatively—and critically engage and assess why this was the case. This may lead some to gravitate on issues relevant to social analysis or cultural rites of passage or interpersonal relationships or religious toleration…In short, there is freedom for you to pursue points of particular interest to you and/or relevant to your major…

Saint Leo University

Department of Philosophy, Theology and Religion

Fall Semester 2013

REL 223: World Religions  

Two Book Reviews---Based upon required course readings that proffer contemporary accounts of the lived experience of Confucianism and Islam.  The reviews call for you to consider the contemporary expressions of these faiths and to reflect upon their relevance to your own and our collective societal experience--To consider how central teachings, principals and practices of these faith traditions could be introduced and implemented into your own life, experience and American culture so as to lend to your personal and our collective edification.

In light of the above description from our course syllabus, your review of Ali Eteraz’s book, Children of the Dust, ought to consider the following:

            How journey is a common motif in spiritual writings—Eteraz’s journey from childhood to adulthood and from Pakistan to the United States and how these journeys, in turn, convey Eteraz’s evolving self-understanding, spiritual maturation, understanding of Islam, etc

            Eteraz’s and his family’s experience of Islam/the Islamic ethos during their residency in Pakistan and America, respectively

            How Islam/the Islamic ethos is expressed in contemporary Pakistani culture—Including, when relevant/pertinent, consideration and assessment of central Islamic tenets operative in and experienced by the Eteraz’s during their residency in contemporary Pakistan 

The Eteraz’s experience of how Islam is perceived by certain segments of the population in the United States via consideration of relevant/pertinent experiences of the Eteraz’s during their residency in contemporary America…and how Ali’s American experiences impacted, informed, shaped and colored his spiritual journey and his understanding of his faith/religion

          What lessons we can take from Eteraz’s experiences that might contribute to a better social experience in our culture and to the improvement of ourselves as individuals as we undergo our own journeys and spiritual maturation, and as our own religious understandings and sensitivities evolve


Allow the review to be an occasion by which you reflect upon and consider aspects, anecdotes and aspects of the book and the experience of Eteraz which particularly struck you in some way—positively and/or negatively—and critically engage and assess why this was the case.  This may lead some to gravitate on issues relevant to social analysis or cultural rites of passage or interpersonal relationships or religious toleration…In short, there is freedom for you to pursue points of particular interest to you and/or relevant to your major…


BOOK REVIEW: CHILDREN OF THE DUST BY ETERAZ ALIStudent:Professor:Course title:Date: Introduction In the book Children of the dust, Eteraz has proved to be a great storyteller. The book is typically delightful to read. Moreover, it is charming, lyrical and humorous with remembrances that are also insightful to the reader. The book is divided into five parts. Each of these parts signifies a different name, which Ali takes up for himself after a particular event. Each name identifies a stage where is he must encounter Islam and America taking its place in each of these stages . In essence, the book is concerned on the psyche of a child or children whose thinking are continually influenced by Islamic religion. A lot more children take upon their parent’s devotion in a methodical and mechanical way. In other words, they lack a desire for deeper understanding for their religion. The aspect of religion is a complicated phenomenon. The dull rituals associated with religion influences the Child’s desire in roaming around the neighborhood as well as interacting with other playmates or in other matters relating with their imaginations. This is a different aspect with Children of the Dust. This is because in this book, Eteraz Ali makes us to look the insight of his mind concerning his perspective on religion. 


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[Solved] How journey is a common motif in spiritual writings [Solved] How journey is a common motif in spiritual writings
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