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[Solved] Green Building & Sustainable Development

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[Solved] Green Building & Sustainable Development

This paper is divided into 3 parts. In part 1, you are required to define terms and discuss their relevance to real estate, development, green buildings, and/or sustainability, as appropriate. In part 2, Calculate the impact of energy efficiency on asset value, greenhouse gas emissions, and Target Finder projected scores under dynamic market conditions. Finally, in part 3 you are supposed to prepare a long essay on one of the two provided options.


The evaluation of material submitted in completion of this exam will be based on two broad criteria areas: 1) technical, synthesis, and application, and 2) effective communication of required information.  These areas are described in detail in the syllabus, and have been the subject of discussion, lectures, and readings throughout the semester.

  • Technical, integration and application:
  1. Demonstrated understanding of a topic or assignment material, management of technical aspects therein, and accuracy in quantitative analysis (technical),
  2. Demonstrated ability to recognize the relationship between a topic and other course content (integration),
  3. Delivery of information in formats that are effective, efficient, and appropriate to an environment requiring actionable information. Criteria includes, but is not limited to
  • Demonstrated ability to apply a topic, or conceive of applying a topic, to conditions that exist in the market place today or in the near future (application).
  • Effective communication of required information:
  • Outline, structure, and formatting appropriate to rapid identification and absorption of priority information by target audience(s),
  • Logic, cogence, and appropriate use of essential information, as well as absence of extraneous information,
  • Spelling, grammar, bibliographic information,
  • Timely delivery of completed work in specified formats,
  • Word count.

Grading of submitted work will be based 65% on the criteria cited in section 1 and 35% on the criteria cited in section 2 above.

Part I

Each of the numbered items in Part 1 includes one or more terms that were discussed over the course of the semester. The terms range from general concepts to specific tactics, metrics, criteria and technologies, as well as names of programs or resources in the market place.  In statements of no more than 180 words, define terms and discuss their relevance to real estate, development, green buildings, and/or sustainability, as appropriate. (FYI: there are 71 words in the text of the paragraph above.)


  • Sustainable (or, sustainability) and green. Define these concepts, their relationship to each other, the relevance of these terms in the market for real estate development and in relation to environmental issues and


  • Embodied and recurring energy (or water). Define the concepts of embodied and recurring. Using water, energy, or both as an example, describe the role the concept of ‘recurring“ can have in the course of the development and ownership of a property.


  • Green house gas emissions, global warming, climate change. Define these terms, their relationship to each other, their relationship to buildings and the role of the developer in responding to global challenges.


  • Efficient use of energy, renewable energy. Define these terms, their relationship to each other, and relevance to building-related green house gas emissions.


  • Therms, kilowatts, and Btu. Define these terms, their relationships to each other and total energy consumption in a building.


  • Lumens, watts, and watt-hours. Define these terms, their relationships to each other, and the issues related to each when applied to choosing light bulbs (lamps).


  • U value, solar heat-gain co-efficient, and visible transmittance. Define terms, their relationship to each other and the difference in some of these metrics when qualifying for the ENERGY STAR label for windows in different regions of the country.


  • Green roofs, specific heat capacity, emissivity (emittance), albedo. Define these terms and describe the environmental issue addressed.


  • A reduction in energy or water operating costs, lease structure, property owner’s net operating income, asset value in an office building. Depending on the characteristics of a lease structure, the relationship between these terms can vary.


  • A reduction in energy or water operating costs, lease structure, property owner’s net operating income, asset value in a hotel building.


  • The General Services Administration. Describe at least two roles that the GSA has in real estate development and sustainability.


  • Green or sustainable buildings and non-class A assets. Discuss the uptake of green certifications and their distribution relative to the size, location, and characteristics of the total US property market and the task of integrating sustainability into the real estate marketplace broadly or in a specific market such as New York City area.


  • Energy consumption, water consumption, Water Sense. What’s the relationship between energy and water consumption, risks in the context of climate change, and advantage of the Water Sense program?

Part II

Calculate the impact of energy efficiency on asset value, greenhouse gas emissions, and Target Finder projected scores under dynamic market conditions

This exam problem references the scenario described in homework assignments numbered 3 and 4. In this exam problem, take in to account the dynamic conditions provided in List #1 (below), and then calculate and present, in a memo format and attached excel spreadsheet, the financial  and other implications described in List #2 (also below). For all analyses, compare the first and second best choice to the worst choice.


  1. List 1: Dynamic Market Conditions
    1. Common area versus tenant area lamp burn rates: For safety reasons, most office buildings will have common area lighting operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is likely to be the case even when the specified hours of tenant occupancy in a building are much less. For the purposes of this exercise, assume that the sum of the common area square footage in your building is 13% of the total. Based on this, 13% of the lamps in your property will have different operating hours, operating costs, and maintenance costs.
    2. Inflationary and deflationary factors: Compared to the homework assignments, acknowledge inflationary and pricing conditions in the market place as follows:
      1. Increase in electric utility rates of 2% in years 3 and 7,
      2. Increase in labor rates of 4% in years 3 and 7
  2. 15% by year 5 of asset ownership
  3. An additional 10% price decrease by year 7 of asset ownership
  4. Decrease in price of second highest priced lamp as follows
    1. 8% by year 5 of property ownership.
  • Decrease in price of the top-priced lamp as follows


  1. List 2: Financial and Emissions Implications
    1. Changes accounted for through use of Target Finder: Given the integration of market dynamics (as described), compare the differences of the two best lamps to the least preferred lamp, including:
      1. Target Finder scores
      2. What are the changes in greenhouse gas emissions?
      3. Impacts on asset value: Using a 6.5% capitalization rate and the newly provided information on operating characteristics and market conditions, calculate and discuss the impacts on asset value for the top two lamps compared to the least favorable lamp.  Describe these values on a per square foot basis.
  • What are the changes in emissions if reported in equivalents such as cars off the road or acres of newly planted trees?


Part III

Long essays. Choose 1 of the 2 options.

  1. Several of the homework assignments required you to gather actionable information from the marketplace. You will encounter such challenges in your career. Describe what will you do in the short and long term to be more efficient and successful in addressing such challenges?


I’m not asking you to belabor how hard of a time you might have had in any given assignment, nor am I asking you to describe what other courses you might take. I’m asking you to think about and describe a roadmap—your roadmap—to expand and improve your knowledge base. You may want to describe the development of your resources and skills, articulate specific strategies and their anticipated outcomes, adoption or revision of work habits, or engagement in networks or associations. Provide a general timeline and prioritization of your plan schedule. Consider whether or not case studies, such as those in Kibert, from the GSA Green Proving Ground, from class mate reviews of green certification programs (HW#2) or in product literature are helpful?


Each student’s answer will be specific to her/his career and goals for the future. Please outline these at the beginning of your essay. Word count for biographical statement does not apply to word limit on the essay.


  1. Choose a chapter from Kibert based on its relevance to the type of work you plan on doing in the 1 to 5 years after you graduate. From a financial and environmental perspective, how and why is this subject important? Prioritize sub topics in the chapter that you want to investigate further. Describe how these sub topics and their ranking are related to the market place in which you plan to work, including for instance, but not limited to:
  • A target constituency group
  • Occupant/buyer,
  • Lender, JV partner,
  • Community or local legal jurisdiction.
  • Development team
  • Your organization’s internal members whose backgrounds and areas of expertise span a range of issues related to real estate development,
  • Consultants,
  • Construction team and trades.

Excellence in answering this question will require integration of some material from peer presentations from home works #1 and #2.


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[Solved] Green Building & Sustainable Development [Solved] Green Building & Sustainable Development
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