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This paper is divided in to 2 major parts, part A is concerned about the International Trading structures containing questions about the dialectical relationship of openness in both structures, hegemonic stability in political and economic context, historical experiences about preferences, and the dialectical relationship regarding state power, etc. furthermore, in part B which is related to Political economy, International political economy, actors and roles provide the answers to the questions asked below according to your overall judgment.

2. INTERNATIONAL TRADING STRUCTURES. In alternative international structures (large number of small developed states / few large developed states and many less and unequally developed states) how does the distribution of power as defined by the size and level of development of individual states influences international trade.
a. In both structures what is the dialectical relationship of openness / costs and benefits for small and big states
b. In this regard how would you describe hegemonic stability in both political and economic terms
c. What historical experience teaches about the preferences of big-states as regards the above alternative international structures. 
d. What is the dialectical relationship as regards state power, international trade and the existence of a leading hegemonic state.

6. POLITICAL ECONOMY, INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, ACTORS, ROLES. At state level or at the international level we have Interaction of markets, factor of production and power. 
a. What is your overall judgement as to how states and other actors try to manipulate markets to their advantage and how important are power asymmetries among states? 
b. Reading alternative theoretical views and observing actual state and international politics, what is your view: is economic activity neutral and innocent or is it the nucleus of the distribution of benefits and power. How this functions and what would you advise the government and the society especially of a less developed states. 
c. Similarly what would you advise states as regards their decisions on issues such as investments, terms of foreign investments, positions taken in bilateral and multilateral negotiations and relations with stronger states.



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  • Price: £ 69
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: Academic Papers
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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