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[Solved] Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States

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[Solved] Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States

Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States

Need to expand on the paper to include poltical, global markets and enviromental imapct domosticly and internationally of hydralic fracturing process to obtain energy in the US, both presently and projected.
Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States Student: Professor: Course title: Date: Table of Contents  TOC o "1-3" h z u  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691151" 1.0 Purpose and scope of the study  PAGEREF _Toc357691151 h 3  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691152" 2.0 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc357691152 h 3  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691153" 2.1 Problem description  PAGEREF _Toc357691153 h 3  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691154" 2.2 Why this research study is appropriate  PAGEREF _Toc357691154 h 5  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691155" 2.3 Importance of the problem  PAGEREF _Toc357691155 h 5  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691156" 2.4 How the results of the study will be applied  PAGEREF _Toc357691156 h 6  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691157" 3.0 Methodology  PAGEREF _Toc357691157 h 6  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691158" 3.1 Method and rationale used to identify and locate sources  PAGEREF _Toc357691158 h 6  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691159" 4.0 Analysis and Discussion  PAGEREF _Toc357691159 h 7  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691160" 4.1 Hydraulic Fracturing (HF) in the United States  PAGEREF _Toc357691160 h 7  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691161" 4.2 Overall impact  PAGEREF _Toc357691161 h 17  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691162" 4.2.1 Environment  PAGEREF _Toc357691162 h 20  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691163" 4.2.2 Politics: Federal and State regulation of hydraulic fracturing  PAGEREF _Toc357691163 h 24  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691164" 4.2.3 Media vs. The oil and gas industry  PAGEREF _Toc357691164 h 28  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691165" 4.2.4 Impact Abroad  PAGEREF _Toc357691165 h 34  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691166" 4.3 Benefits  PAGEREF _Toc357691166 h 36  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691167" 4.3.1 Economic Impact  PAGEREF _Toc357691167 h 36  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691168" 4.3.2 Global Markets  PAGEREF _Toc357691168 h 40  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691169" 5.0 Conclusion  PAGEREF _Toc357691169 h 43  HYPERLINK l "_Toc357691170" References  PAGEREF _Toc357691170 h 46  1.0 Purpose and scope of the study The purpose of this paper is to analyze the subject of hydraulic fracturing (HF) in the United States. This technology is also known as fracking. The paper will investigate how the process of hydraulic fracturing has allowed once uneconomical reserves to be produced economically. The paper will also look at the overall impact that is a result of the production of these reserves in the United States. The core areas that will be focused on are (i) environment; (ii) politics; and (iii) media vs. the oil and gas industry, (iv) global markets, (v) environment impact vi) The paper will show how the unconventional gas revolution is changing the United States economy, its future energy security and the impact it is having directly and indirectly to its current energy suppliers. The paper will also look at the impact that the United States energy industry is having abroad. 2.0 I...

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  • Title: [Solved] Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: 2021-09-29T07:19:20+00:00
  • Category: Essays
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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[Solved] Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States [Solved] Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States
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