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Effects of globalization

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Effects of globalization

Effects of globalization

My teacher asked for a theses, this is what i wrote him "Globalization is making our world smaller and that will lead eventually to the end of the world". I want you to write about how our world had became much different than before. How internet connected people to each other and founding information. so there risks and advantages but eventually some how it will end by spreading disease or war or any other thing
Effects of globalizationNameCourseLecturerDateTechnology is one thing that man has believed in and everyday of his life end up developing new technologies. The emerge of technology has made his life change and live in a better world since everything is changing to be easier as compared to early days. This has made man look at his benefits without knowing even if technology has merits that overcomes its demerits, one day in his life he will face the consequences which he may not be able to control and even make his lifetime less than required (Anderson, 2000). This has proven itself since the effects of technology on globalization is what is killing man in today`s life. This paper seeks to look at how technology preliminary from the internet has made the world become smaller, a risky consign to live and even whether globalization may end up making nations to be in war among other issues.Globalization which has different genre of definitions can simply be referred to as the incorporation of economics and societies in the world which involves massive reduction of costs of transportation, communication, political, technological and the breaking down of non-natural barriers to the flows of goods, knowledge, services, resources, , and people across the borders (Boudreaux, 2008). Though man has not well experienced effects of technology on globalization, it has in many way benefited him as the world has been crooked into a smaller one where different people from different cures shares things in common and ideas that help them come up with new things as days pass by.Despite the fear of what may result from globalization, it has advantages which have made it possible for people to tour the world while sited. This has been made possible by technology as the internet and the introduction of fiber optic cables that transform huge information to different parts of the world in seconds. It has lessened the world by bringing people from all nations closer irrespective of their national identity.According to Prasad (2003), globalization has changed the world for the better since it has made it possible for people from different nations to communicate. This has made it be painstaking as an achievement in terms of technology and development. Different genres of things happen in different nation since they have been united by technology more so internet. But this has not made it possible to share everything since business, ethic, conduct and culture among others cannot be supported by globalization since they can be influenced in one part of the world while on the other they may not be the same. These shows that globalization is a combination of interaction and amalgamation among people from different groups, organization as well as government from different nations.These has resul...

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  • Title: Effects of globalization
  • Price: £ 99
  • Post Date: 2021-09-27T07:15:15+00:00
  • Category: Essays
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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Effects of globalization Effects of globalization
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