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Brain-Behavior Relationships

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Brain-Behavior Relationships

Brain-Behavior Relationships

Case study of the project

            Grace, a nine-year-old child, lives with her parents, her brother Tom aged 6. Her mother is a teacher in the neighborhood school while her father is a professional financial analyst. Currently, Grace attends junior preparatory school, and she will be joining high school in next two years. Recently her parents have been concerned with her academic performance since she has been struggling though they are still below par. She has been experiencing difficulties interacting with her friends because she is often involved in argumentative conversation during play time. Her class teachers report her to doing exceptionally in tennis and hockey.

            Her parents have recognized that for the last 14 months Grace, has become more disorganized and says to have lost most her items including a geometrical set, pens, and books. One of the noticeable changes is that she usually leaves the house late for social events, church, and school, as she takes exceptionally long to prepare herself.

            Grace is restless and finds it problematic to concentrate, including those activities she previously found enjoyable for example, it is hard for her to read a short story to its conclusion. Her mother acknowledges that Grace used to like a lot reading short stories when she was seven years, and her mother remembers Grace, was a lot like these when she was a child, but has not been concerned until now that she is struggling academically and seems to have glitches making and keeping friends.

            The article is appropriate because it expounds on the brain-behavior relationship and mannerism demonstrated by our case study which includes poor concentration, poor organizational abilities and restless which may indicate developmental disorders. Their findings recommend the use of rating scale and standardized measures to show designs of behavior in children as professed by their parents that concur with Feldman, 2012. The article will help identify the cause of cognitive difficulties, hyperactivity, and oppositional behavior by understanding the brain-behavior relationship. This article assists to expound what mechanistic role play in the etiology of ADHD by analyzing the variation in brain function and individual differences in ADHD and related processes in children (Koziol, Budding & Chidekel, 2013).

            These scholars conducted research which sought to explain how neuroscientific and genetic outcomes highlight on the dimensional somewhat than the particular features of mental conditions. They generated their results using functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore if dimension techniques of psychiatric symptoms discovered brain –behavior relations unfounded for by the categorical analyses. They further sought to determine whether the brain-behavior relationship is altered by the existence of a categorically distinct disorder which they identified to be ADHD.

            The research evaluated a sample of 37 typically developing children aged between 10.2 years that fulfilled DSM-IV criteria for ADHD. They used the parent-rated kid behavior checklist in expressing and adopting tallies which functioned as dimension processes in their analysis of default network (DN) resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC). Their findings showed that significant relationship between DN RSFC in relation to both internalizing and externalizing scores. They indicated that amplified internalizing tallies were concomitant with sturdier progressive relationship intra-DN RSFC, whereas raised externalizing tallies were related with minimized RSFC sandwiched between DN and task-positive areas of the brain, for example, the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Numerous of this brain-behaviors relationship fluctuated reliant to the categorical presence of ADHD.

            They concluded that categorical diagnostic boundaries offer an insufficient evidence for the comprehensive understanding of the pathophysiology of mental conditions. Therefore, mental conditions cannot be just regarded as an excessive neural or behavioral purpose. Thus they recommended an effort should be made to comprehend the neural reinforcements of psychiatric ailment to include mutually categorical and dimensional medical assessment.

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  • Title: Brain-Behavior Relationships
  • Price: £ 99
  • Post Date: 2018-11-09T12:00:28+00:00
  • Category: Assignment
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
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