Modern Sociological Theories NameInstitution Modern Sociological TheoriesQuestion One A simple explanation for Gidden’s meaning of displacement in modernity is not that of alienation, but of ambivalence. Humans own local places in some sort of provisional sense by recognizing the absent forces that promote such ownership (Giddens, 2002 P. 3). In the shopping mall example, the current shopping malls could be understood as a replacement of the ancient retail businesses. This is because small retail businesses were ubiquitous in many European countries (in the ancient times). Today, supermarkets and shopping malls have replaced such retail businesses. Question Two The term re-embedding could be elucidated as the separation between time and space and their development into consistent empty dimensions that cut the connections involving social activity and the embedding contexts of existence (Giddens, 2002 P.4). It is critical to use an example because it helps in explaining the concept of re-embedding. It follows that the example of modern transportation could aid in elucidating the meaning of the term under discussion. In this example, the idea of re-embedding is whereby an individual could travel from Melbourne to Sydney in one hour (by air) and from Sydney to Parkes in four hours (by road). Therefore, it appears simple to travel from Melbourne to Sydney than from Sydney to Parkes yet the distance from Melbourne to Sydney is longer than the distance from Parkes to Sydney. Question Three Ritzer offered a Weberian-motivated outline for understanding the structure of modern bureaucracies. He was able to achieve this by using four dimensions of highlights. The first dimension is efficiency, which is the ideal method for moving from place to place. The second highlight is calculability. Calculability could be understood as an emphasis on the quantitative elements of services offered and the products sold. The next highlight is predictability that is the assurance that services and products offered will be similar regardless of time and location. Ultimately, the last highlight is control of people that enter the MacDonald’s via nonhuman technology (Ritzer, 1996, p. 5). Question Four It is critical that the first three dimensions if Ritzer’s highlight is appealing to customers. For instance efficiency is appealing to customers because it ensures everything happens in the right time and place thus, ascertaining customers gratification. Put simply, elements of predictability, calculability, and efficiency endow McDonald’s with a familiarity and reliability that appeals to consumers in the entire world (Ritzer, 1996, p.6)Question Five The control of people dimension of Ritzer’s highlights appeals to the corporation. This is because it enables the org...