Article Critique Name Institution Instructor Date “Creating a Strategically Aligned Workforce†Critique As the author, van Riel states in the abstract; “This paper focuses on critical success factors in creating an aligned workforce around new strategic goals†and “Best practices of companies, headquartered in three different continents†were “used to illustrate an ideal roadmap.†The writer reveals that “these companies measure and manage their alignment programs in a similar way.†The author systematically analyses the factors that come to play when creating vision and implementing strategic direction and comes up with 3 key factors that help create aligned workforces around the globe. He lists: “(1) the managerial efforts aimed at creating alignment should be a joint effort of various specialists, initiated and orchestrated by top management; (2) consistency in behavior of management and internal messaging is crucial and (3) external claims in corporate advertising should support internal change programs.†The above could amount to mere claims if some more factors such as fraud cannot effectively be dealt with in an organization. Fraud is probably one of the biggest challenges to the achievement of an effective strategy of an organization because the practice milks resources, both monetary and non-monetary from organizations an. Therefore, what do we do to help achieve streamlined visions while at the same time building strategies that shall are sustainable? The solution lies in fighting crime such as fraud. We shall look at the main reasons that lead to fraudulent activities in organizations. These reasons can be explained by way of theories.