Language Development Articles CritiqueNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Claim =hypothesis
Evidence for the claim
Limitations of study
(Methodology, etc.)
Characteristics of SLI relevant to phonological-based
Characteristics of SLI relevant to grammar-based
Characteristics of SLI relevant to working-memory
SLI Phonology 1
Phonological processing in subjects with specific Language Impairment
SLI has an effect on the hearing perception alterations, memory deficit and limits the processing ability of the brain.
Majority of the SLI children who were used in the two studies that were carried showed alterations in PP skills. Children with limited phonologic ability were also observed to have developed other difficulties that are associated with SLI Languages.
The investigation that was used in the study is non- procedural as such and therefore the results that will obtained will be having various deficits. Exclusion of the children who had shown a history language communication problems would affect the outcome of the study. They should have been included in the study since they were included in the previous study of phonologic language communication difficulties.