UK PLANNING LAWName:Institution:Course:Tutor:City/state:Date:DEVELOPMENT BRIEF FOR THE FORMER CATTLE MARKET, BARNSTAPLE * Conservation areas are designated by local planning authorities under the planning acts. Section 69 of the UK planning law on buildings and conservation areas state that a conservation area is an ear of architectural or historic interest the character of appearance of which is it desirable to preserve or enhance. Then planning analysis recognizes the archaeological importance of the site and its monuments. The archaeological assessment and evaluation will inform and guide any development proposals for the site and also complement the assessment undertaken by Exeter archeology in 2003. The redevelopment will protect the conservation site by respecting the archeological and historic interests of the site; improve integrity, management and visitor experience of the Barnstaple castle. * Due to the importance of the site as an archaeological and historic site as well as its ability to provide public space and parking areas for people, prospective developers will have to provide an appropriate element of car parking to serve the town centre to enhan...