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Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system

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Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system

Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system







  1. What arc  (‘or  ‘ I     .

‘D’             c  lU’lnC~’i  procc),c’”

6  Contrast

,  terl·lall)’  and  externally     focued      1

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  • I., 1 ra’>t order-to-ca    ..h. . procure-to-pav•

1l.I”c-to-h)ck       .   d                                                       ~

3  WI’                  .•In    make-to-order      business    processes.

.              .,       id contrast    customized     and  pac],  to .,1    ‘

9. WI
  1. Compare  ..II                               •                             ,        .’                     ‘  c:-Cu  sor
as we  II as                                                                                        t

vanilla   verSions   versus   best  praCht””     b   lll.”t


“‘-    :te(j


  • .1  arc  the  core

”   G’


an    !UPpOrt activities    of  a value  chain?

software.                                           .


  • , IIf’Can  e.x’ aml,1 ~ of Upstream   and  downstream
  1. What are the  core  components     o~ ~n E~P   ~}”tell)?







the  keys  to successful!)      IInplementino


t> an


  1. DC~cribc  what·                                          .

.                       erucrpnse     systems    arc  and  how  they  have





~Sel~f-Study Questions ————————–~



l..                .      are  information     systems   that  allow   cornpa- nics to  mtcgrnn,  information     and  support   operations     on u company-wide            basis.

  1. Customcr relationship     management     systems
  2. Enterprise systems
  3. Wtdc area  networks
  4. Interorganizational  systems
  1. Which  processes    arc  most   often   ~

based  manufllcturing     of products. A. make-to-order     processes

  1. make-IO-stock processes
  2. procure-to-pay processes
  1. order-to-cash processes

8  Information    systems    that  focus   on  supporting    funer



  1. Which  of  the  following    is a core  activity   according    to the
  • areas, business  processes,    an d d     “





value   chain   model? A.  firm  infrasuucrurc B.  Customer    service C.  human   resources D.  procurement

  1. According  to the  value   chain   model,   which   of the  follow- ing  is a support    activity?
  2. technology  development
  3. marketing  and  sales
  4. inbound  logistics
  5. operations  and  manufacturing
  6. All of  the  following    are  true  about   legacy   systems   except

organization     are  referred   to as                        .                     n

  1. legacy systems
  2. enterprise-wide  information     systems
  3. interorganizational  systems
  4. internally focused    systems
  5. An enterprise  system   that  has  not  been   CUstomized is commonly  referred    to as                        .
  6. a vanilla version
  7. a root version
  8. a core version
  9. none of the above
  10. is a systematic,     structured     improvement   a .


proach   by all  or part  0 f an



that  criticallv


  1. they are  stand-alone     systems
  2. they are  older   software    systems
  3. they  are  ERP   systems
  4. they  may  be difficult    to  integrate    into  other   systems
  5. The  processes     associated     with  obtaining    goods   from  ex- ternal   vendors    are  referred    to as                    _
  6. make-to-order  processes B.  make-to-stock      processes C.  procure-to-pay       processes D.  order-to-cash      processes
  7. The processes     associated     with   selling   a product   or service are  referred    to as                      _
  8. make-to-order processes B.  make-to-stock      processes C.  procure-to-pay       processes D.  order-to-cash      processes


examines,    rethinks,    and  redesigns     processes    in orde; to achieve   dramatic    improvements      in one  or more  perfor- mance   measures,    such  as  quality,    cycle   time,  Or cost.

  1. Systems analysis
  2. Business  process   management
  3. Customer  relationship     management
  4. Total quality  management

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  • Title: Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system
  • Price: £ 99
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Research Paper Queries
  • No Plagiarism Guarantee
  • 100% Custom Written

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Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system
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