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In this paper, you are asked to present a report for emerging technology and innovation. You are supposed to include summary of Recommendations, closure activities, and project stakeholders in your report. Furthermore, provide issue management and risk management with details regarding those issues and risk. Also include the findings of the research gained by researching over the connecting fog and perform GAP analysis. Finally, conclude your report with a concise and clear conclusion.  


The report is the project closure report for the research work over the connection of FOG with cloud computing. In the research, every detail of the fog as well as cloud computing has been discussed and the collaborative power of the cloud computing has also been undertaken. The research work focused over the cloud computing and its various ongoing effect globally. How it emerged and accepted by the whole world and its major features and advantages are well provided in the report. The Fog computing which has been initiated by the cisco is also introduced and useful content about its history, its current effects and the future scope is well discussed in the report. How fog computing overcoming the negative aspects of the cloud computing and its similarities and differences are well discussed. The combining result of both the technology and its benefits are also enlightened in the research. The research performed provides useful content for knowing the both the technology and their use in the better way. The future aspects of the technology are known greatly and also provide useful method to utilize the technology in a better way.

Research closing reasoning

The causes for closing the research and not proceeding further are following:

  • The main goal of the research has been accomplished.
  • The required outcomes have been analysed and provided successfully.
  • Allocated budget have been utilized completely as well as the effective use of provided time frame also been made.

Summary of Recommendations

Various recommendations are gathered after performing the research over the chosen topic. The research significance and the research originality has been well discussed in the research and proper focus over these parameters have been paid. The literature reviews over the research topic are also performed and all the required functionalities and features has been well focused. The research gap has also been provided and the techniques and technologies used for performing research is also gathered. During the research work, various risks were accumulated, the details about the risks and its mitigation plan is provided in the following table.

Sr. no.


Risk level (1 to 5)

Mitigation plan


Data breach


The security features available should be implemented strictly and all the required features to support the security should be available. The encryption process, file level security, firewall installation, authenticity and other features should be well focused.


Malware attack


The malware attack could attack the whole system and may reside secretly into the system. The use of forensics team at regular interval, whole system scanning, tightened security and other factors could help a lot in mitigating these issues.


Network security


The network security should be tightened and all the required features should be well implemented in the network. The data tracking could help a lot in improving the security.


Weak security features


The technology experts should be available while building the security features and compliance and all the required features should be well implemented.


While discussing the security, the CIA approach, that is confidentiality, integrity and approach should be well focused and analysed while dealing with the utilization of the fog computing with the cloud computing.

Closure activities

The different tasks and technologies required to completing the research work is mentioned in this report. Numerous activities take place, out of which, the main activities are following mentioned.

  • Proper planning of and strategies to proceed the project with the required speed and functionalities were planned.
  • The management task in the project is also fulfilled with the required level of skills.
  • Communication and co-ordination has been performed regularly and data synchronization has also been performed at regular intervals.
  • Testing and evaluation at the various required fields has been performed which help i knowing the system better.

Project stakeholders

Project stakeholders are involved in the project and have direct impact due to minor or major impact in the project and their project processes. The detailed information about the various stakeholders involved in the project are following:

  • Research director: The research task is processed by the research director and it also helps in knowing the design, methodologies for better output from the research.numerous tasks are performed and undertaken for completing the required task within the allocated budget and time frame.
  • Sales director:The sales directors manage the appropriate budget for the project and helps in controlling the budget throughout the project. The project, if completed under the allocated time frame, then it is known as successful otherwise, more allocation of the budget could affect the research negatively("Fog Computing and the Internet of Things: Extend the Cloud to Where the Things Are", 2015).
  • Marketing director: The market director helps in advertising and promotional purposes and passes the information through the various obstacles at the right place.
  • Customer support: The customers are required to be supported by the internal stakeholders of the project which is performed by the customers support sector. The effective use of whole technology, the implementation methods, improper understanding and many other issues could be arising which are important to be handled by providing support services.

Finding the team and its division is much important in the project as the processes works simple and efficiently when processed through proper division. The overhead in the distributed work environment is also low.

Issue management

There are several issues available in the connection between the cloud computing and fog computing. The details regarding the issues are following:

Sr. no.

Issue details

Useful methods


Authentication is emerging as an important issue as providing authentication at such high scale is difficult and managing such factors is also difficult.

There are several methodologies available which could be implemented for providing authentication at a better scale and all these factors should be well featured and implemented. However, different techniques may be having different benefits but finding an appropriate one requires efforts.


Data privacyis another major issue arising in the fog computing and cloud computing connection. The devices are encrypted with the algorithms but this encryption process failed at the users end due to device incompatibility of these algorithm.

The algorithms which could be supported at both the ends and provide better implications of the methods. Differential privacy could be used for better implementations of encryption process as it is supported at both the ends i.e. the vendors as well as the clients.


Access control is another major issue emerging in this technology. The access control is used for improving the security of the system but in the cloud and fog computing environment is become difficult to implement these access control feature completely.

Attribute-based encryption is used for having better approach over the system. A policy based resource access control is available in the fog computing which could be used for better access control. These approaches could be used for providing better security over these features.


Network security is becoming one of the major issues as more and more wireless networks are being introduced which adds to the in-security of the network.

The use of SDN could help in handling the maintenance purposes and increase the network scalability as well as the cost is also reduced.




Risk Management

Risk analysis has been performed with great attention and attempt has been made to undercover all the available risks and have complete knowledge about the various factors. A research could not be completed without considering its all the available risks as it plays an important role while dealing with the technology. Without considering the risks, the technology when implemented and deployed could resulted into failure. When risks are known then controlling methods could also be implemented and the project could be controlled and useful tools and techniques could be implemented.

Gap analysis

The gap analysis has been performed by analysing the whole performed research and finding the uncovered aspects in the research. Any limitation of the research work has been founded which could be beneficial to continue the research further or overcome the available issues. Some of the limitations founded in the research are following:

Mitigating risks

The risks that have been founded are important to overcome but sometime expert solutions may require. In the research work, the mitigating plan has been well focused and analysed and then represented in the report. These mitigating plans are beneficial to control the available risks and preventing the project failure. Some external efforts may require or deep analysis of the plans by the experts could also be required.

Asset management

The management of asset in the research could be performed well as optimized results could be gained by finding the appropriate asset for the required task. Performing the tasks could be tedious allocating the right resource for right task could be difficult but could yield high output when performed.

Research findings

The finding of the research or the final outcomes gained by researching over the connecting fog and cloud computing is following:

  • The background of the technology and its various advantages has been well known.
  • Importance of the technology and its necessity in the various sector has also been determined.
  • Results of the technology when implemented in any organization or final outcomes which could be gained is explained in the report.
  • All the available risks and threats along with their mitigation plan is well discussed in the report. These methods are beneficial during actual implementation of the technology in the real life.
  • The settings to be performed and the steps to be undertaken while dealing with the technology is well mentioned in the report.
  • All the other available issues hindering the growth of the technology and becoming barrier in the technology are also well known.
  • Methods to utilize the technology in effective manner and gain maximum output has also been known.

Gap analysis

The gap analysis has been performed to know the limitations of the report and the research work performed. The factors which are not mentioned completely and have been missed completely has been mentioned in the report. Some of the factors which left unclear in the research and does not satisfy the technology properly has also been mentioned in the report.

  • There are several disadvantages available in the architecture of the fog computing but has not been mentioned in the research.
  • The resources have been gathered does not provide enough relevant data to the reader.
  • Methods could be implemented for gathering better quality data but there are less of such tools and techniques.
  • The solutions for some of the available problems has not been discussed in the research work.


In the report for project closure report over the emerging technology the “connecting Fog computing and cloud computing” the several tasks covered up has been explained. Firstly, the introduction part explains about the technology and about the research also. Then reason behind project closing the summary for the recommendations has been analysed. The activities that have been performed during the research and the project staff involved has been discussed properly. There are several issues available in every emerging technology and the report well describes about all these issues and well describes the risks, gap analysis of the research, management of the asset and other available factors are discussed. The end outcomes of the research task performed are discussed under the research findings section. The whole report provides a better representation about the project closure of the emerging technology.


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