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[Solved] Education business and management Questions:The influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and

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[Solved] Education business and management Questions:The influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and gender differences

In this paper of Education business and management questions, you are required to prepare a report on the influence factors for graduate students’ entrepreneurial intention and gender differences. You are supposed to analyse data from SPSS.

SubjectEducation business and management QuestionsThe influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and gender differences

Please use SPSS to analysis data.thanks


Questionnaire on Education 

Add 1-2 lines where you explain what the research is about and that you are a student of the programme. Please tick(√)the most appropriate response. The data (Information) collected through this questionnaire will be kept confidential; and it will be used exclusively for research purpose of University of Birmingham.


1.Are you interested in entrepreneurship?

□ Strongly interested

□ Interested

□ Neutral

□ Somehow interested

□ Not at all


2.Do you intend to start your career in entrepreneurial activities after you graduate in your current Education?

□ Yes, I do –go to question 3-4

□ No, I don’t –go to question 5

□ Have not considered –go to question 5


  1. If you choose “Yes” in the second question, please select the most impact reason for your entrepreneurial decision.

□ Entrepreneurship can help solve employment problem

□ Entrepreneurship can promote social status

□ Entrepreneurship can quickly access to capital and resource

□ Entrepreneurship can help me achieve self value

□ Others                                _______________________


  1. If you choose “Yes” in the second question, when will you start your entrepreneurial career?

□ During my studies at University

□ After graduation

□ After having some work experience

□ After having higher degree (MA/PhD)

□ others                                 _______________________


  1. If you choose “No” and “Have not considered” in the second question, please select which factor is the biggest barrier to start a business?

□ Lack of capital

□ Lack of work experience

□ Lack of social network

□ Lack of support from family

□ Lack of confidence to take risks

□ Others                                 _______________________


  1. Have you received advanced entrepreneurial education or training?

□ Yes, I have

□ No, I haven’t


  1. How do you think the relationship between your major and further entrepreneurial activities?

□ Related closely

□ Have relationship but not close

□ A little bit related

□ Not related at all


  1. Are there any entrepreneurs in your family?

□ There are not any entrepreneurs in my family

□ There is one entrepreneur in my family

□ There are two or more entrepreneurs in my family


  1. How do you think the intention of entrepreneurship is different between men and women?

□ Men have stronger entrepreneurial intention than women

□ Women have stronger entrepreneurial intention than men

□ Entrepreneurship is not related to gender


  1. How do you think men and women have different attitudes to risk taking?

□ Men accept risks more than women

□ Women accept risks more than men

□ The attitude towards risk taking is not about gender


  1. To what extent do you think the below personality traits are important to be a successful entrepreneur?

  SD=Strongly Disagree, D=Disagree, N=Neutral, A=Agree, SA=Strongly Agree









Strong spirit for challenge







Strong responsibility







Flexible ability to adopt different environments







Extroverted character







Sympathetic personality







Others –please specify-



  1. Do you agree that the factors below can be a challenge in your further entrepreneurial career?


  SD=Strongly Disagree, D=Disagree, N=Neutral, A=Agree, SA=Strongly Agree









Ability to innovate







Ability to manage and operate business







Ability of social network







Ability to access to capital sources







Influence of social norm (paid employment, social status)







Influence of limited opportunities







Ability to tolerate risks







Ability to adopt fierce competition (to be competitive in industry)











  1. How old are you?

□ Less than 18

□ 18-21

□ 21-24

□ 24-27

□ Older than 27


  1. What is your gender?

□ Male

□ Female


  1. What is your education background?

□ Primary school

□ Secondary school

□ Undergraduate

□ Postgraduate

□ Doctor

□ Others –please specify-             ___________________


  1. What’s your current employment/study condition?

□ I’m currently studying

□ I have been employed

□ I’m currently self-employed

□ I have not been employed after graduation education




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  • Title: [Solved] Education business and management Questions:The influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and gender differences
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: 2024-08-28T18:23:38+00:00
  • Category: Assignment Queries
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[Solved] Education business and management Questions:The influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and gender differences [Solved] Education business and management Questions:The influence factors for graduate students’entrepreneurial intention and gender differences
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