Name: Tutor: Course: English Comp I Date: 04/20/2014“Do you think alcohol consumption has an effect on the fetus? For those of you who have the answers, I do not need them because that is a personal opinion. I would appreciate if every one considers that a pregnant woman exchanges blood with her child. Therefore, her consumption alcohol implies the same alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream and into the fetus. I will use this opportunity to demonstrate that even though some studies prove that alcohol consumption during pregnancy could harm fetus, different studies prove otherwise.First, it is common knowledge that alcohol consumption during pregnancy could have fatal effects on the fetus. This is evidenced by the reality that it could result in health complication for the fetus. For instance, the consumption of alcohol could damage the fetus’ nervous system or developing organs. The Fetal alcohol disorder is an example of a health condition brought about by the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Facial deformities, weak muscles, intelligence, and speech problems, abnorma...