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[Solved] Diagnosing ADHD in Adolescence

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[Solved] Diagnosing ADHD in Adolescence

Diagnosing ADHD in Adolescence


Dear writer, Please refer to the attached documents for the article “diagnosing ADHD in adolescence” and for the instructions for the article review. Please follow the instructions/requirements listed for the article review, any questions please contact me. As I listed for the number of sources the one and only source that you need to write the article review and to cite is the article I attached “diagnosing ADHD in adolescence”. Please message me with any questions. Thank you. -Gabrielle


Diagnosing ADHD in AdolescenceStudent Name:School Name:Diagnosing ADHD in AdolescenceIntroductionAttention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical condition that affects an individual`s essence to regulate behavior and attention. This condition is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. People with ADHD who are not diagnosed in their early childhood may begin to exhibit obvious symptoms as they approach their teenage years (Barkley, 2002) Research has indicated that ADHD is has to do more with genes and that children who are diagnosed with this condition have relatives with this disorder. Scholars who have studied the function of the brain and its structure have revealed that adolescence with ADHD, brains differ from those who do not have the disorder. Teenagers with ADHD experience problems related to poor self esteem, worries about exams and careers, physical development, belonging to certain peer groups, decision making and authority. They tend to be disruptive in class, involve in fights and conflicts with family members and perform poorly in their academics. The National Institute of Health (NIH) stated that ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders among adolescents today. ADHD is a challenging period for adolescents because it leads the teenager to initiate sexual behaviors early, drop-out from school, abuse drugs, and engage in antisocial crimes. Part IThe aim of this study is to find out how ADHD is diagnosed in Adolescents and the practical problems associated with this kind of disorder and to later discuss any recommendations for the diagnosing of ADHD in adolescents. What is known about ADHD is that the Adolescents who have this kind of disorder tend to write themselves off socially and academically. They also have more problems with self-esteem than teens that do not have ADHD. Conflicts tend to arise with their parents and particularly with their mothers. The purpose of conducting this study was to find out how ADHD condition in adolescents affects their general development that is, in relation to social, physical, mental and psychological development. Another purpose of this study was to address issues that surround childhood symptoms, diagnostic threshold and the use of ratings related to self and informant. For example there were doubts raised over the reports that parents gave about their teenager childhood functioning (Margaret, 2012). In order to evaluate the recommendations from the diagnostics the researcher was able to link reports from the parents and the teachers and self-reports of recent impairments and symptoms. The researcher was in a position to also suggest the essence for a low diagnostic threshold by evaluating the control of group-referenced and impairment-based data. 

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  • Title: [Solved] Diagnosing ADHD in Adolescence
  • Price: £ 89
  • Post Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2025 18:41:29 +0000
  • Category: New Samples
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[Solved] Diagnosing ADHD in Adolescence [Solved] Diagnosing ADHD in Adolescence
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